The Emperor of America at this time was an Indian named Moy Toy…

The Great American Adventure 2A: The Indians Weren’t Savages And The Tax Fight Was About Gold

King George’s historic claim of ownership of the 13 American colonies (aka The Virginia Colony) was a prevarication.

This false claim was made by a king, a pope and by Mayer [Bauer] Rothschild despite clear evidence that America was already inhabited. It was inhabited by the Red Race, the surviving descendants of Atlantis, a continent destroyed around 9600 BC during a world wide continental land shift.

The Emperor of America at this time was an Indian named Moy Toy. 

In order for King George to lawfully lay claim to America it was absolutely necessary for England to either conquer the Red Race or negotiate with and procure land grants from the Red Race. 

This was substantively impossible at the time. Therefore King George’s Land Grants issued for the American Colonies were a complete fraud and contrary to the ancient international treaty law titled The Ancient Rights of Discovery.

The Ancient Rights of Discovery stated that only new, uninhabited or conquered lands could be claimed by a sovereign king or by his discoverer acting on his behalf. Representatives of The Virginia Colony negotiated separate Territorial Treaties with eastern tribes of the Red Race. It was these King George used as his base authority to issue his bogus land grants.

Factually, Land Grants could not have been obtained from the American Indian because the Red Race culture believed that “No man can own the wind or the sun any more than he can own the land, which the gods have created for their use and benefit. Since the Red Race was more than capable of repelling any armada sent against them by any of the super powers of that time the King and the Pope deduced that their demise would need to be accomplished by other means.

The Red Race was a gracious host and landlord and was willing to share what they had with the white immigrants, a disposition they would eventually learn to regret.

Pilgrims Discover A New World

The Pilgrims were a persecuted and exiled religious order originating from England and Holland. Some of the Pilgrims who eventually made it to America migrated from Holland to England on the Speedwell.

This initial migration to America was to be made on 2 British ships – the Mayflower and Speedwell. The first attempt departed Southampton on August 5/15, 1620, but the Speedwell developed a leak, and had to be refitted at Dartmouth on August 17/27.

On the second attempt the ships reached the Atlantic Ocean but again were forced to return to Plymouth because of the Speedwell’s leak. It would later be revealed that there was in fact nothing wrong with the Speedwell. The Pilgrims believed the crew had sabotaged the voyage under the pretense of refitting the ship. Their indifferent behavior while operating the vessel suggested they would rather not fulfill the year-long commitment their contract called for.

The Pilgrims were greeted by The Iroquois Indian Nation when they finally anchored in Plymouth Harbor.

The Iroquois Federation Government consented to permit the Pilgrims to live with them providing they first agreed to experience life as an Indian and were willing to comply with Indian Federation rules.

The Rules Of Admission

The Iroquois Federation Government and Constitution was a carryover from Atlantian times when the Red Race was the dominant civilization on Earth. The rules included:

  • No one owns the land
  • A prohibition against slavery
  • No theft of another man’s personal property
  • No persecution for religious beliefs [i.e.] freedom of religion

George Washington was supposed to negotiate an all-inclusive treaty with the Red Race, which at the time consisted of 568 separate tribes.  To avoid this Washington requested a meeting with Emperor Moy Toy. Moy Toy refused to grant him an audience due to Washington’s status as a commoner.  However, Moy Toy gave the eastern Tribes permission to negotiate separate treaties with the white immigrants, if they so chose.

The Treaty of 1791 was created between the whites and the Indians for Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee and five additional states located in the Cherokee Indian Nation Territory . This treaty is still valid and enforceable today.

The Great Mistake

The Red Race made a huge mistake in their dealings with the white immigrants.  They were complacent. They believed themselves to be in control and undefeatable.  Fights broke out among the various tribes in an effort to establish superiority over neighboring tribes. (This particular human flaw has occurred since ancient Babylon and continues to this day.)

During these tribal distractions the colonists broke many of the strict rules that bound them. The Red Race ignored these minor breaches of Federation Government rules because they considered the white immigrants to be an inoffensive, physically weak, uneducated and slow witted group. However, the white immigrants weren’t as ignorant as was believed because every minor breach was intended to chip away at the strict rules the Red Race had established for them with the clear intent to establish their own superiority over the Indian Tribes.

Many Pilgrim women chose to remain with and marry Indian braves because of how favorably women were treated by the Red Race. This particular fact was distorted by white settlers and government leaders to justify their attacks, theft of North American land, and attempted extinction of the Red Race.  For many years, in fact, white colonial women who were supposedly rescued from captivity escaped from their white liberators to return to their Indian husbands.  This happened so frequently and became such an embarrassment to white colonial men they established and introduced “standards of conduct and behavior for women.” Violators were frequently ostracized by the white community.  Unsurprisingly, white men were never held to the same standard as the women.

The Iroquois Federation Government, Constitution and Postal System was eventually copied by the Founding Fathers.

The Universal Postal Union (UPU), is a direct product of the Iroquois Federation Postal System.

These concepts were then modified by the white race to define money, generate money, to permit control and ownership of land and license personal and intellectual property, which has always been a part of the white race’s culture, idealism and preoccupation to own and control people, places and things.

The Puritans educated Europe in the Iroquois Federation doctrines when some of them migrated back to England upon the removal of Oliver Cromwell from his position as 1st (and only) Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland.

The Great Deception

Standard American history texts teach us the Founding Fathers originated these doctrines. That the Constitution and Declaration of Independence were the fruit of their intellect and invention.

Many erudite historians actually went a step further and identified the Red Race as savages. 

What is much closer to the truth is many of the Founding Fathers were often stoned on hemp or drunk on rum, and incapable of concocting anything as rational and complex as a Constitution or Declaration of Independence. 

They were from a privileged class who frequently partied with prostitutes and cheated on their wives in secret sex societies. 

As far as the Indian being savage think about this – if someone kept breaking his word and stealing from you, you might begin to behave savagely too.

The Colonization Of America Proceeds Apace

The colonization of America continued to expand while King George grew deeper in debt to the Rothschild Bank. 

It was Mayer Amschel Bauer (a Sabbatean Jew and founder of the Rothschild Banking Empire) who suggested to King George that he tax the American colonies and demand this tax be paid in gold. 

As George was so thoroughly in debt to the Rothschild bank he (through his advisers) decided to follow Mr. Rothschild’s request to tax all commerce entering or exiting the Americas and to demand that payment in gold.

His first tax was on tea.

It Was The Demand For Taxes Paid In Gold That Sparked A Revolution

The colonists did not trade in gold but had developed a system of exchange based upon promissory notes called Colonial Script which is both similar and quite different from the “Federal Reserve Notes” of today. 

The similarity is these are both promissory notes.

The difference lies in the areas of “consent” and “interest payment.”  The colonists consented to establish and honor the Colonial Script as a fair medium of exchange, one devoid of interest charges.

Federal Reserve notes were thrust upon Americans by Rothschild family agents in 1913, without the people’s consent, with interest, and with the despicable intent of stealing the fruits of American labor, equity and assets.

The King’s demand for payment in gold is what ignited the Boston Tea Party. It was not the historic claim of “No Taxation without Representation.” 

The Colonists were quite willing to pay King George’s tea tax as long as he would accept payment in Colonial Script, which could then be traded back to the colonies in exchange for tobacco and hemp products.

The king refused.

In response to the Boston Tea Party revolt King George sent his military in force to intimidate the colonists. 

This resulted in armed confrontation and many skirmishes later billed and classified as the Revolutionary War.

The fifty-one colonists counted among the “Founding Fathers” prepared and served a Declaration upon King George, declaring America’s Independence from England under the name “The United States of America.”

This did not sit well with the king’s advisers.  In fact it outraged them, and through them, the king.

The Colonists had learned to fight guerrilla style warfare from skirmishes with and against the various Indian tribes.

As a result they won many revolutionary skirmishes. However, they never had a prayer of winning a war against Britain, and many knew it.

However, they also knew King George did not intend to kill all the colonists because were he to do so there would be no one left to pay his tax. 

All he was attempting to do was regain control over his colonial white slaves and any new slaves who had joined forces with the colonists.

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