The gigantic Golden Solar Disc was held by ropes of the purest gold in a sanctuary located in the most important Temple of the Divine Light of the Motherland of Mu.


The gigantic Golden Solar Disc was held by ropes of the purest gold in a sanctuary located in the most important Temple of the Divine Light ofthe Motherland of Mu. In front   of the Disk, on an altar, which was a pillar carved in a block of solid stone, shone the eternal white Light of the crystalline Maxin Flame ,the Divine LightUnlimited the creation. Aroundof the year30,000 A. of C.La Luz MaxinIt was extinguished at the Altar because of the evil of some priest-scientists of the Great Mu. The Solar Disk remained in its sanctuary, however, until the moment of its final destruction and its sinking into the sea in 10-12,000 A.C.

As we have said previously, that Disc was not used merely as an object of worship, nor as the symbolic representation of our Solar Sun. It was also a scientific instrument, and the secret of its power originally came from the darkness of the past in the time ofthe race of the Elders . In part, it was an object of worship because it was used in ritualistic temple services as a focus or point of concentration for those who meditated. It also served as a symbolic representation of the Great Central Sun , or Cosmic Sun , which, in turn, symbolizes the Creator. As a scientific instrument it was used connected to a complex system of pure gold mirrors, reflectors and lenses to produce healing in the bodies of those who were inside the Temple ofthe light. InTrue, that was the reason why it was called the Temple of the Divine Light .In addition to all those functions, the Solar Disk was a focal point for the concentration of dimensional quality. When the disk was struck by a scientific priest, who understood its way of operating, he established certain vibratory conditions that could produce intense earthquakes and, if continued for a long time, cause a modification in the rotation of the disk.the earth same. When made to harmonize with a person’s peculiar frequency pattern it could transport that person to any place they wanted to go simply by creating the mental image of the journey. It was, therefore, an object of transportation.

The Golden Solar Disc of Mu was not made of ordinary gold, but of gold that had undergone a transmutation, and so unusual in its qualities that it was a translucent metal similar, evidently, to the metal of UFOs through which it is almost possible to look. .

Lord Muru brought that Disk with him when he traveled to Lake Titicaca, and placed it in the underground temple at the Monastery ofthe Brotherhoodof the Seven Rays . Here, it was used daily not only by two disciples of life, but also by the Masters and Saints of the Mystery Schools around the world to be teleported to and from and thus attend the Council or participate in some Transmission Ceremony.

When the Incas arrived in Peru, and they really did arrive, because they were not native Quichua Indians, but came from a land located on the other side of the Pacific, they established a highly spiritualized society on top of the ruins of the great culture that had belonged to the Empire. Colonial of Lemuria. 

The High Priests of the Sun of Tawantinsuyo – name of the Inca Empire – built their Coricancha or Temple of the Sun exactly on top of the ancient structure that dated back to a very remote time. In the ancient archives of their home country across the Pacific they had learned of the existence of the Golden Solar Disk of Mu and knew that it had been taken from the doomed continent and taken to a new land where Lord Muru had founded a Retreat. Interior or Sanctuary.

Once they were in Peru, the Inca High Priests searched hard and for a long time for the Disc but were never able to locate it. However, when they arrived at the placethe Spiritual Path where they could use the Disk for the benefit of all their people – the natives, the indigenous tribes, who had been amalgamated into an empire – as was customary in Mu, it was then offered to them for their daily use in their Temple of the Sun in Cuzco.

At that time the Inca Emperor was a Divine Mystic or Saint, and he made a pilgrimage to the Monastery of Lake Titicaca, and there Aramu-Muru, as Spiritual Chief or Abbot ofthe BrotherhoodHe gave the Disk to the Emperor. Orders were issued for several Lake Brothers to accompany him on his journey to the empire’s capital, Cuzco . 

There the Disk was placed in a sanctuary that they had prepared, and it was held fast with golden cords as was done in ancient Lemuria.

 Even today, the holes through which the ropes passed can be seen in the Convent of Santo de Domingo in Cuzco, which was erected over the pre-Inca and Inca Temple of the Sun.

The Incas called their Temple of the Sun Coricancha , which means Place of Gold or Garden of Gold . 

This was due to the magnificent life-size figures of men, animals, plants and flowers made of gold that were in a real Golden Garden adjacent to the Temple of the Sun. But the scientist-priests called the Temple Amarucancha .

 In some of the stones of Santo Domingo you can still see carved snakes (amarus) and because of this reason, they say, some called that Temple Amarucancha or Place of the Serpents . 

However, this is not the real reason. Aramu is a form of Amaru, which is one of the names of Lord Maru. In the Andes there are large snakes that are still called amarus. 

Lord Maru’s name has to do with the snake because his title is similar to that of another world teacher, Quetzalcoatl ,the feathered snake of the Aztec Empire in Mexico. 

Therefore the Temple of the Sun in Cusco received its name from Amaru-Muru , head of the Monastery of Lake Titicaca, because it was he who finally allowed them to have the Golden Disc in their Temple of the Sun. Within the major Temple there were minor temples or sanctuaries consecrated toMoon, the Twelve Planets (Stars), and the Seven Rays.

The Brotherhoodof the Seven Rays became the guiding force in the spiritual life of the Incas, and thus they learned the use of the Disc in the ancient codices left by the pre-Inca wise men who were lemur settlers. The Disco remained in the Coricancha in Cuzco until the priests learned that Don Francisco Pizarro had landed in Peru. 

Knowing very well what was going to happen, they sadly removed the Disk from its sanctuary in Cuzco and returned it to its place in the underground temple of the Monastery. The Spanish conquistadors never discovered it.

On January 21, 1956, the Beloved Archangel Michael of the Sun gave a conference at His Banff Retreat, in the Canadian Rockies. What follows is an excerpt from said conference:

“Many of the Temples used in Atlantis and Lemuria have been built in the etheric realms. Someday, when man is ready to receive them, they will descend gently. 

One or more of the precious stones used in the construction of these Temples were deposited in the hands of a High Priest or the Head of a Spiritual Order with which they are put in connection with the Celestial Hierarchy. There are several dozen stones from My Temple in the possession of individuals that are today at various points on the surface of the earth…”

The Golden Solar Disc of Mu is one of the precious stones referred to by Lord Michael . And it was placed in the hands of the Chief of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, Aramu-Muru. 

The Disk will remain in Lake Titicaca until the day when man is spiritually ready to receive it and use it again. On that day the Golden Record will be taken from its underground chamber and placed on top of the Monastery of the Brotherhood. 

The pilgrims of the new dawn You will see it from many kilometers away reflecting the glorious rays of the Sun. An undeniable sound of the purest harmony will come from the Disc that will carry the many followers of the light on the trodden path to the ancient gate of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, and they will enter the Valley ofthe blue moon to gather in the fellowship of the Father.


If we want to truly understand the meaning behind the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays and the Golden Solar Disc of Mu it is necessary to go back in time the about a billion years.

After planet Earth had cooled and was ready to receive inhabitants, a race arrived from space that was not human, although it was of the race of the original true man. 

It was the race called Cyclopean , and this is known with the secret and arcane knowledge asthe race“L” or, simply, the “Eles ”.

 Before coming to planet Earth they crossed space following all the great cycles of Time; 

They were Titans who traveled along the path of the stars (and continue to do so in another dimension of Time and Space) and who always looked for the best pastures in space for their livestock. 

They were the first life on the earth and they are the Immortals of our legends,the raceof God orthe raceof the Elders who preceded Man.

Some of the Eles were true Cyclops due to having a single central eye in the middle of the forehead. 

Others had two eyes like humans, and there were even others who had developed the third psychic eye. 

They were about four meters tall and were male and female, but not in the way we consider sexual differentiation today. 

Before reaching the earth They had colonized much of what is now known as the Galaxy of the milky way, thousands of suns and worlds fell under its influence. 

They usually preceded other life forms on a world after it was habitable. 

Once they settled on a new planet they tried to leave behind what we can only call great libraries in their deep underground empire of enormous cities . In these libraries small crystal archives contain the history of the Universe, and are enclosed in a magnetic field that is sometimes found in affinity with some “sensitive” person living today in the earth.

 The They were not exactly three-dimensional beings as we are today, although they were definitely physical beings in a physical world. 

They had tried, throughout countless ages, to achieve, as a race, a timeless condition, to reach a place where they could not only create by mere thought, but escape the chains of physical existence to break the bonds that kept them subject to the planets and physical systems. 

They were looking for the great secret that would make them Immortals, which would allow them to walk through Time and the Stars without any ties.

Planet Earth was possibly the last world they colonized inthe Via GalaxyDairy, because shortly after their arrival here they achieved the power of creative thought. 

They conquered physical matter and became Gods. 

They annihilated Time and Space; They no longer needed the earthly world or the great Galaxy to which they belonged. 

They were free! They had become true members of the Thought Universe, the Theta Universe.

In reality, the Eles were not known by that name until they achieved the Theta condition. 

Before that happened they were known Cyclopean Race .It was their method of leaving physical existence and the conditions that make it feasible that gave them the name Eles. By secretly using the Ninety Degree Phase Change they abandoned the earth and all the Galaxy and they left it free for humanity.

A ninety degree angle forms the letter “ L ”. Therefore, when we call them Eles we are referring to a symbol of their race and not really a name. Today many words derive from the name of this very ancient breed. 

The words elevation and eliminate clearly derive from this source. Didn’t the Eles rise to another dimensional condition? Didn’t they eliminate Time and Space? Just look in the dictionary to discover some surprising things between words that start with EL and L. 

Then there is the magnificent word Elohim .

On 24 April 1955, Koot Hoomi Lal Singh ( Master Kuthumi ) reported:

“On the planet is maintained the great Presence of the Beloved Elohim , Cyclops . His radiation covers the entire the earth.”

Master Kuthumi obviously refers to a member of the great Race of Elders. Although, by 1956, most of the Eles were no longer inthe earth, still acted as Mentors, and were usually Masters of the Instructors and Saints of the earth. 

We saythat most of the Eles were no longer on our planet, because some did not leave when their race achieved the Theta condition and conquered MEET ( Matter-Energy-Space-Time .)

Due to certain karmic reactions, a few members ofthe Cyclopean RaceThey did not pass the Ninetieth Degree of Phase Change, and were forced to remain inthe earth to fulfill his destiny, and eventually reunite with his race at a later time. Meanwhile, they would act in the role of Mentors to the human beings when they reachedthe earth.

Aramu-Muru (God Meru) was a member ofthe Cyclopean Race. He had maintained the same physical form for countless ages, renewing the energy of his life stream through polarization with his feminine aspect, Arama-Mara . 

Because, as already explained, these beings do not reproduce like humans do.

Lord Muru says that when he was in Lemuria he was a young student or man. However, different meanings must be attributed to these words. He perhaps means “young man” in universal things, and the meaning he attributes to “man” is that of belonging to the race of the original and true man. Many of the wise men of Lemuria, and previously in Mu itself, were cyclopes. 

(We do not call them Eles because they had not yet achieved the Theta Universe .) All the Cyclops left Lemuria and headed to other parts of the world: therefore, many of the Spiritual Heads of the Mystery Schools (Inner Retreats) were Cyclops who they would meet at some pointthe race of the Elders and would become true Els.

The Brotherhoodof the Seven Rays had originally begun   with the Cyclopes since they were the first to manifest the Seven Rays of Life on the planet Earth. 

These beings projected a special energy radiation that allowed the establishment of the Seven Rays of Life on our planet, and if it had been lacking, it would never have existed.the Brotherhoodof the Seven Rays. Likewise, the Cyclopes became the Seventh Condition and they entered Theta , the Eighth or Universe of Thought.

The Golden Solar Disk of Mu was not made by the Cyclops, although the principle of its mode of operation and the secret of its power were found in the abandoned libraries of the cyclopean underground cities. 

Those who are sensitive enough to tune into such knowledge of the ages after the human, discovered those Truths and made possible the construction of the Golden Record. Thus, the Record entered the lives ofthe Motherland of Mu.

It is necessary to know that the man inthe earthwill never become an L , but it will be able to achieve a timeless condition like this, because the present plan ofthe hierarchy is: the production of a subjective synthesis in humanity and the telepathic interaction that will eventually annihilate time.

Although man will not become an L , simply because he does not belong tothe Cyclopean Race( nowthe Ele Race), will manage to conquer the MEET, and will reign as true God , the Son of the Creator .

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