The Pothead, Rum-Drinking Founders Would Be Appalled

Another concealed  historic fact is the first and foremost crop grown in America was “hemp” or “marijuana.” 

That’s right.

America got its commercial start from a plant that is now classified as a Schedule I Drug. 

Each of the Founding Fathers owned large hemp plantations.

The colonists made rope, flags, homespun clothing, sails, writing paper and medicine from the processed hemp.

The plant’s sterilized seed was used in baking, called sesame seeds. 

In point of fact, the original Declaration of Independence and Constitution were actually written on hemp paper.

The introduction of tobacco eventually changed the score because tobacco was so naturally addictive that England couldn’t get enough of it and purchased all the colonists could grow. 

Tobacco sold for more money than hemp.

However hemp had many more practical uses. 

Many colonial farmers split their land into two  – half hemp and half tobacco.

Others changed over entirely to tobacco.  All the colonists grew corn, potatoes, squash, apples, cabbage and raised chickens, beef and dairy cattle, and sheep but that was for their own personal consumption and not for export.

The British Troops Tire Of War

England had just defeated France in the 7 Years War and the English soldiers were battle weary and most of the English soldiers refused to fight the American colonists because so many of the colonists were their relatives.  So Mr. Bauer traveled to Prussia and engaged the services of unemployed Hessian mercenaries for the career English officers to command. 

The Hessian Soldiers had also fought in the 7 Years War and there was little need or employment for career soldiers

Their contract pay with Bauer was 50 cents a day. Mr. Bauer (Rothschild) billed the King 1 dollar a day.  Since King George had a revolving charge with the Rothschild bank, repayment for these soldiers would eventually be required of him in gold.

Upon defeating the French Bauer (Rothschild) suggested that King George arrange (through his newly appointed Civilian Administrator of France) to loan the Continental Congress the appropriations needed to supply and finance the Revolutionary War. 

The  plan and logic was simple – Bring America to its knees in debt and then foreclose on it!

Of course colonial America didn’t have a prayer of winning and most of the money and appropriations loaned or sold to them went into the pockets of Founding Fathers.  King George possessed one of the largest, most efficient military forces known at that time.

The Virginia Colony was populated by three million men, women and children in total and most of the men were farmers and tradesmen or bond slaves, armed only with knives and flintlock muskets. 

So it is beyond imagination that anyone could possibly believe that American colonists won or possessed a chance of winning the Revolutionary War or the War of 1812! 

But then ‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will begin to believe you!’

Nobody won the Revolutionary War but since the English military was first to stop fighting the Continental Congress declared that America won the war based upon an old maxim of law, which states  “He who leaves the field of battle first …. loses.”

Twenty members of the Continental Congress were Founding Fathers as well as English lawyers and aristocrats who had received considerable training in the art of English law.

They thought up that little jewel.  Need I say more?

This situation however posed a new problem for the Continental Congress to resolve, which was: ‘How to place their debt to France on the backs of the American colonists?’  They decided to tax all alcoholic beverages, which was the impetus that started the American moonshine business and rum smuggling trade.  One of the largest rum smugglers in America was Founding Father John Hancock.

America’s Natural Wealth In Resources Proves A Great Temptation

Mr. Bauer (Rothschild) had another motive (in addition to collecting repayment of the King’s debt in gold). 

Bauer viewed the American colonies as an untapped resource and prime location to establish another branch of his Rothschild bank. 

He knew the State of Virginia was as rich in gold deposits as the State of California and the Dakotas.

This piece of information was kept secret from the public because the high contracting powers wanted to expand the Virginia colonies to the West Coast of America and defeat the Red Race at the same time.

This is why the California Gold Rush rumor was started by the American government.  It was a rumor spread throughout the then-known world to entice immigration and replace immigrants who died during the westward migration.

Rothschild’s plan was simple.

He would establish a branch of his banking empire in the colonies, replace the Colonial Script with his Corporate Bank Script, then extend unlimited credit to the colonists with a repayment in gold. 

This had worked with King George’s advisors so why shouldn’t it work in the American Colonies?  Bauer also changed his last name to Rothschild around this timeframe.

Rothschild however was unsuccessful in accomplishing his plan for the American Colony because the Continental Congress rejected his proposal based in part on a business plan they were drafting or modifying that was designed to insure and protect their individual interests.

This plan titled “The Constitution of the United States of America,” was a modified version of the Iroquois Federation Government Constitution.  

The Articles of Confederation was the outline for the Constitution and which spelled out their business plan to control America.

The colonists were never asked if they wanted a Constitution nor were they asked to vote on this document.

The Continental Congress had always intended to steal North America for their own personal posterity.  The term “We the People” was defined to mean “We the Delegates” by the Articles of Confederation.

The safeguards found in the Constitution were not for populace protection but intended to prevent any one or group of Founding Fathers from cutting the others out.

While Mr. Rothschild openly condemned the use of “Colonial Script” as money by calling it worthless, his agents and employees who had secretly infiltrated the American Colonies were instructed to buy up or trade for all available “Script” that they could lay their hands on.  While this was going on, Rothschild sent his top banking agent – Alexander Levine – to further infiltrate the new American Government.

Once in America, Mr. Levine changed his last name to Hamilton to obscure his Sabbatean Jewish ancestry and conceal any connection as the CFO of the Rothschild Banking Empire. Alexander Hamilton secured employment as the personal secretary to General George Washington.

After Washington’s election to the Office of President, Alexander Hamilton was appointed by President Washington as the first United States Secretary of the Treasury. 

Alexander Hamilton always remained loyal to the Rothschild family and the Rothschild bank. As the first United States Secretary of the Treasury he manipulated the value of Colonial Script Rothschild agents had accumulated and drafted and proposed a 20-year contractual Charter for the first United States Central Bank. 

President George Washington signed the Central Bank charter into law, therein successfully entering the Rothschild banking empire into American commerce with the stroke of a pen.

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