Lumumba was a victim of imperialism. 

In fact, we wanted to continue imperialism in the Congo, to replace a colonial system with a neocolonial system.”

In memory of Patrice Lumumba murdered on January 17, 1961

After a resounding victory in the first true elections in which the Congolese participated, Patrice Lumumba became Prime Minister of the Congo from June 24, 1960 until his overthrow and imprisonment on September 14 of the same year by the military man Joseph -Désiré Mobutu and his supporters. The latter ruled the country, first by hand and then directly from 1965 until his overthrow in 1997.

On January 17, 1961, Lumumba, the great fighter for Congo’s independence, social justice and internationalism, was tortured and then executed, along with several of his comrades, by Congolese leaders complicit with Western powers, as well as by the Belgian police and military. Lumumba was only 35 years old and could have continued to play a very important role, both in his country, in Africa and globally.

As journalist Colette Braeckman wrote: “Patrice Lumumba, Congolese Prime Minister dismissed in September, placed under house arrest and then detained in Thysville, was brought to Katanga on January 17, 1961. Five hours after his arrival on Katanga soil, He was executed along with his two companions Maurice M’Polo and Robert Okito  

Among the Congolese leaders who directly participated in the assassination of Lumumba was Moisés Tshombé, proclaimed president of the Congolese province of Katanga, which split on July 11, 1960, just two weeks after the beginning of the independence that the Congo obtained on the 30th. June 1960. The secession of Katanga proclaimed by Moisés Tshombe was supported by Belgium and large private Belgian mining companies very present in this part of the Congo (see below) in order to destabilize the government of Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba.

At least five Belgian police and military personnel were also present at the time of the murder. Joseph-Désiré Mobutu, one of the main Congolese perpetrators in the murder of Lumumba, was not present at the scene on the day of the murder which took place in the East while he was in the west of the country, in the capital.

Belgium’s responsibility for the assassination of Lumumba in January 1961 was established by several authors, in particular by Ludo De Witte in The Assassination of Lumumba, and was the subject of the work of a committee of the Belgian parliament in 2001-2002. Read also the interview given by Ludo De Witte to CADTM in 2018, .

In this interview, Ludo De Witte simply summarized the causes of Lumumba’s murder: «Lumumba was a victim of imperialism. In fact, we wanted to continue imperialism in the Congo, to replace a colonial system with a neocolonial system.

A system where there would be black people, Congolese, who would be politicians and ministers but, behind the scenes, it would continue to be the Western powers and their large societies that would dominate the country.

This is the neocolonialism that Lumumba wanted to fight against and that is why he was murdered.

It is worth reading the speech of the Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo, Patrice Lumumba, before Baudouin, king of the Belgians.

Baldwin had declared in his speech: “The independence of the Congo is the culmination of the work conceived by the genius of King Leopold II, carried out by him with tenacious courage and continued with perseverance by Belgium.”

It is worth reading the speech of the Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo, Patrice Lumumba, before Baudouin, king of the Belgians.

Baldwin had declared in his speech: “The independence of the Congo is the culmination of the work conceived by the genius of King Leopold II, carried out by him with tenacious courage and continued with perseverance by Belgium.”

During the proclamation of Congo’s independence on June 30, 1960, the Prime Minister of Congo, Patrice Emery Lumumba, gave a memorable speech (can be heard here ). The written version of it is the following:

Speech delivered at the Parliament headquarters after those of King Baudouin and President Joseph Kasa-vubu, on the day of the proclamation of the independence of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

“Congolese men and women,

Fighters for independence today victorious.

I greet you on behalf of the Congolese government. To all of you, dear friends, who have fought tirelessly at our side, I ask you to make this June 30, 1960, an illustrious date that you will have indelibly engraved in your hearts, a date that you will proudly show to your children. so that they, in turn, make their children and grandchildren aware of the glorious history of our fight for freedom.

Well, this independence of the Congo, although it is proclaimed today with the agreement of Belgium, a friendly country with which we treat each other as equals, no Congolese worthy of the name will ever be able to forget that it was won by struggle, a struggle of all. days, an ardent and idealistic struggle, a struggle in which we spare neither our strength, nor our deprivations nor our sufferings, nor our blood. 

Of this fight, which was of tears, fire and blood, we are proud to the depths of our being, since it was a noble and just fight, an indispensable fight to put an end to the humiliating slavery that had been imposed on us by the force. And that was our destiny during 80 years of colonialist rule, so our wounds are still too recent and too painful for us to erase them from our memory. We have known exhausting work, demanded in exchange for wages that did not allow us to eat, clothe ourselves, stay decently, or educate our children as loved ones. 

We knew the mockery, the insults, the beatings that we had to suffer morning, afternoon and night, because we were black. Who will forget that a black man was called “you” not because he was a friend but because the honorable “you” was reserved only for white people?

We have seen that our lands were plundered in the name of supposedly legal texts that only recognized the right of the strongest. We have seen that the law was never the same depending on whether it was a White or a Black: accommodating for some, cruel for others. We have seen the atrocious sufferings of those who were marginalized for their political opinions or religious beliefs; exiled in their own homeland, with a fate truly worse than death itself.

We have seen that in the cities there were magnificent mansions for whites and ruined huts for blacks, that a black was not admitted to cinemas, restaurants, or so-called European stores; that a black man even traveled in the hull of the barges, at the feet of a white man in his luxury cabin. 

Who will forget, finally, the shootings in which so many of our brothers perished, the dungeons into which those who did not want to continue being subjected to the regime of a justice of oppression and exploitation were brutally thrown?

All of this, brothers, we suffer deeply. But all of that too, we who were mandated by the vote of your elected representatives to lead our country, we who suffered colonialist oppression in our bodies and in our hearts, we tell you very loudly that all of that, from now on, is over.

The Republic of the Congo was proclaimed and our country is now in the hands of its own children.

Together, brothers, sisters, we will begin a new fight, a sublime fight that will lead our country to peace, prosperity and greatness.

Together we will establish social justice and ensure that everyone receives fair remuneration for their work. We are going to show the world what the black man can do when he works in freedom and we will make the Congo the center that illuminates all of Africa.

We will ensure that the lands of our homeland truly benefit its children. We will review all the old laws and make new ones that will be just and noble.

We will end the oppression of free thought and ensure that all citizens fully enjoy the fundamental freedoms provided for in the Declaration of Human Rights.

We will effectively suppress any discrimination and give each person the right place that their human dignity, their work and their dedication to the country will deserve. We will make reign not of the peace of rifles and bayonets but of the peace of our hearts and good wills.

And to do this, dear compatriots, be sure that we will not only be able to count on our enormous forces and immense wealth, but also on the assistance of numerous foreign countries whose collaboration we will accept whenever it is loyal and does not seek to impose a policy of any kind on us. to be. In this area, Belgium, which, finally understanding the meaning of history, did not try to oppose our independence, is prepared to grant us its help and friendship, and a treaty to that effect has just been signed between our two equal and independent countries. .

This cooperation, I am sure, will be beneficial for both countries. For our part, even if we remain alert, we will know how to respect freely agreed commitments.

Thus, both at home and abroad, the new Congo, our beloved Republic, that my government will create, will be a rich, free and prosperous country.

But so that we can reach that goal without delay, I ask all of you, Congolese legislators and citizens, to help me with all your might. I ask you all to forget the tribal quarrels that wear us down and that may probably cause us to be looked down upon abroad.

I ask the parliamentary minority to help my government through constructive opposition and to remain strictly within legal and democratic channels. I ask you all not to back down from any sacrifice to ensure the success of our great project.

Finally, I ask you to unconditionally respect the life and property of your fellow citizens and foreigners established in our country.

If the conduct of these foreigners leaves something to be desired, our justice system will quickly expel them from the territory of the Republic: if, on the contrary, their conduct is good, we must leave them alone, since they also work for the prosperity of our country. The independence of the Congo marks a decisive step towards the liberation of the entire African continent.

This is, Sire, your excellencies, ladies, gentlemen, my dear compatriots, my brothers in race, my brothers in struggle, what I wanted to tell you on behalf of the government on this magnificent day of our complete and sovereign independence. Our strong, national, popular government will be the salvation of this country.

I invite all Congolese citizens, men, women and children, to put themselves resolutely to work in order to create a prosperous national economy that enshrines our economic independence.

Tribute to the fighters of national freedom!

Long live independence and African Unity!

Long live the independent and sovereign Congo!)

Lumumba, internationalist fighter

Before becoming Prime Minister, Lumumba established strong links with a number of anti-imperialist, pan-Africanist and internationalist movements and personalities. In December 1958, he was present at the African People’s Conference in Accra.

He met, among others, the Antillean-Algerian Frantz Fanon , the Ghanaian Kwame Nkrumah and the Cameroonian Félix-Roland Moumié .

He gave a speech in which he stated: «The fundamental objective of our movement is the liberation of the Congolese people from the colonialist regime and their independence.

We base our action on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – rights guaranteed to all citizens of humanity by the Charter of the United Nations – and we believe that the Congo, as a human society, is entitled to the rank of free peoples. He concluded by saying:

«That is why we shout loudly with all the delegates:

 Down with colonialism and imperialism. Down with racism and tribalism. And long live the Congolese nation, long live independent Africa. »

The sequence of events that led to the coup against Lumumba and his assassination

After Lumumba’s speech on June 30, the Belgian government, the monarchy and the heads of the main Belgian companies present in the Congo decided to overthrow Lumumba and cause the secession of Katanga, the richest province in raw materials.

Immediately the Congolese accomplices appeared in the person of Moisés Tshombé, proclaimed President of Katanga on July 11, 1960 and then in the person of President Joseph Kasa-Vubu, who dismissed Lumumba in September 1960 without having the constitutional power to do so, and on Joseph-Désiré Mobutu, who led a coup a few days later and arrested Lumumba when his ministers had confirmed their confidence in him and his party was the main party in Parliament.

Mobutu, who had a military career during colonial times and was a former journalist in the pro-colonial Congolese press, managed to obtain a position as a colonel in the new army and quickly turned against the Congolese government.

Meanwhile, Belgium had sent 11,000 troops to the Congo in July 1960 (an enormous number), including 9,000 to Katanga.

These 11,000 Belgian soldiers were transported to the Congo in ten days, preceded by special parachute troops. This military intervention constitutes a true aggression against an already independent State. It should be noted that Belgium, a member of NATO , had until the 1980s, in West Germany, an over-equipped military zone that extended from the Belgian border to the Iron Curtain.

The Belgian General Staff had at its disposal a considerable military arsenal, partly of American origin, and NATO allowed it to deploy aircraft, troop transports and even navy ships that bombarded Congolese positions in the Congo River estuary.

The United States government and the CIA also maneuvered together with Belgium, with whom they decided to assassinate Lumumba  [ 7 ] . France did the same. In a telegram dated August 26, 1960, CIA Director Allen Dulles told his agents in Leopoldville about Lumumba: “We have decided that his removal is our most important objective and that, under present circumstances, he deserves a high priority in our secret action”  

It should be noted that on August 12, 1960, Belgium signed an agreement with Tshombé, de facto recognizing the independence of Katanga.

The Lumumba government’s attempts to confront this secession were completely legitimate, but they were opposed by the great Western powers.

El colapso de Estados Unidos desencadena el fin de una conspiración financiera de 500 años…..

Por Richard C. Cook, cofundador e investigador principal del Instituto Geopolítico Americano; autor, Nuestro país, antes y ahora (Clarity Press, 2023)

14 de junio de 2014

Nota del autor: Este análisis no pretende exponer la “verdad absoluta”. Más bien es mi mejor esfuerzo por sintetizar en un formato conciso los elementos clave involucrados en mi comprensión de los acontecimientos mundiales.

  1. Estados Unidos es una nación multiétnica formada a partir de una confluencia de asentamientos indígenas nativos americanos, asentamientos y conquistas por parte de europeos, una gran afluencia de africanos esclavizados y, posteriormente, inmigración de pueblos europeos, asiáticos y africanos de diversas nacionalidades hasta el día de hoy.
  2. El núcleo de Estados Unidos eran las colonias de Inglaterra a lo largo de la costa atlántica, y en América del Norte, Central y del Sur también se encontraban las colonias de España, Portugal, Francia, Inglaterra y los Países Bajos.
  3. Se establecieron colonias en otras partes del mundo durante todo el siglo XX , y Alemania e Italia también se convirtieron en potencias colonialistas, mientras que Rusia se expandió en Eurasia y Japón en Asia Oriental. Las antiguas civilizaciones indígenas de todo el mundo fueron explotadas o destruidas por las potencias colonizadoras. El motivo principal fue la adquisición de riquezas y recursos.
  4. La expansión europea requirió un sistema monetario que permitiera su crecimiento. Durante la Edad Media, los Caballeros Templarios dirigieron el sistema monetario europeo pero sin usura, es decir, cobrando intereses sobre los préstamos. La Iglesia Católica dejó de prohibir el PECADO MORTAL de la Usura alrededor de 1500. La banca de reserva fraccionaria se construyó sobre el oro y la plata de Estados Unidos y la India/China y la banca basada en la Usura aseguraba la acumulación de riqueza por parte de los propietarios de los bancos comerciales. Los banqueros judíos fueron actores clave en este sistem
  5. El sistema continúa hoy, creando una presión constante para 1) una deuda pública y privada masiva, constantemente refinanciada con nueva deuda; 2) centralización de la riqueza; 3) un imperativo para un crecimiento económico incesante; 4) consolidación, monopolio y gigantismo; 5) mayor velocidad del gasto; 6) inflación; 7) amenaza constante de quiebra y ruina; 7) financiarización de toda actividad humana con gastos generales no productivos asociados; 8) imperativo constante de reducir costos que resultan en contaminación ambiental, colapso de la infraestructura y opresión de la fuerza laboral; 9) sometimiento constante al crimen económico y organizado hoy centrado en el narcotráfico; 10) crimen político y propaganda y encubrimiento interminables; y 11) competencia y guerra incesantes entre estados-nación orquestadas por los amos del dinero.
  7. De regreso a América, durante casi 200 años las colonias inglesas crecieron, funcionaron y prosperaron con formas autóctonas de dinero, incluido el wampum indio, sin un solo banco . La aprobación por el Parlamento de la Ley Monetaria de 1764, que prohibía la emisión de papel moneda por parte de las colonias, puso fin a esta era de sostenibilidad financiera y fue la causa principal de la Declaración de Independencia de Estados Unidos.
  8. El primer banco estadounidense, el Bank of North America, se fundó en 1781 en Filadelfia. Esto llevó a la creación del Primer Banco de los Estados Unidos, que se utilizó principalmente para financiar la especulación de inversores ricos, la mayoría de ellos holandeses y británicos aliados con la creciente clase mercantil estadounidense, muchos de los cuales se enriquecieron con el comercio de esclavos y de opio.
  9. La banca de reserva fraccionaria creció en todo Estados Unidos, y el crecimiento económico fue impulsado en parte por la venta de tierras confiscadas a los indios. El gobierno federal se financiaba con derechos de aduana provenientes del comercio y la mayor parte de su presupuesto era consumido por el ejército y la marina. La Guerra de 1812 completó la Revolución contra Inglaterra.

Los estados esclavistas del sur, aliados con los banqueros y comerciantes británicos de Nueva York, se separaron de la Unión en 1861. Lincoln luchó en la Guerra Civil con efectivo emitido directamente del Tesoro conocido como billetes verdes. Lincoln fue asesinado por una conspiración financiada por los británicos, al igual que los presidentes Garfield y McKinley.

La Revolución Industrial tuvo lugar después de la Guerra Civil con capital de bancos estadounidenses y británicos, liderados por los Morgan y los Rothschild británicos.

En 1900, el Money Trust controlaba la industria estadounidense y adoptó el patrón oro. Con los Rothschild y sus aliados bancarios, crearon la Reserva Federal en 1913 para financiar la guerra británica para aniquilar a Alemania.

El magnate británico del oro y los diamantes Cecil Rhodes había ordenado a su albacea, Lord Nathan Rothschild, que creara una “sociedad secreta” para “recuperar Estados Unidos para el Imperio Británico”, lo que se hizo a lo largo de un siglo de guerras mundiales, con Gran Bretaña proporcionando el cerebro y Estados Unidos. el músculo. Se reclutó a los judíos sionistas para que les ayudaran entregándoles Palestina. La idea de una Palestina controlada por los judíos se originó en el gobierno británico y fue adoptada por el Movimiento Sionista.

El objetivo inmediato del Imperio Británico, tal como se organizó a través de la “Mesa Redonda” de Rodas/Rothschild/Milner después de 1900, fue controlar el “corazón” euroasiático a lo largo de la Línea Mackinder que va desde el Mar Báltico a través de Europa del Este, dividiendo Ucrania y terminando en Ucrania. en Palestina.

La conquista de esta región, que implicó la destrucción de Alemania, Austria-Hungría, el Imperio Otomano y, finalmente, Rusia, ha sido el punto central de la Primera Guerra Mundial, la Segunda Guerra Mundial y lo que rápidamente se está convirtiendo en la Tercera Guerra Mundial.

En 1940-1941, el Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores de Estados Unidos, una entidad controlada por Rockefeller inspirada en la Chatham House británica, presentó una serie de estudios al gobierno de Estados Unidos que establecía una política permanente de dominio militar TOTAL de Estados Unidos en todo el mundo. Esta política se convirtió en el estado de seguridad nacional posterior a la Segunda Guerra Mundial, creando la CIA, la NSA, etc., luego la Doctrina Wolfowitz de 1991 y la política actual de “Dominio de Espectro Completo”, que incluye el ciberespacio, el espacio exterior, etc. El Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores también fue un actor central en el asesinato y encubrimiento de JFK.

La Segunda Guerra Mundial nunca terminó. La política de dominio militar mundial nunca ha sido rescindida ni modificada. Tenga en cuenta, sin embargo, que el ejército estadounidense opera bajo la dirección de la élite financiera global. Si bien el poder militar estadounidense está respaldado por la hegemonía del dólar, el centro de poder geopolítico reside en Londres.

Todos los principales medios de comunicación del Occidente Colectivo han sido requisados ​​y controlados para hacer propaganda en favor del Imperio. Internet ha producido un ligero contratiempo en este programa, pero el uso ciudadano está bajo un ataque implacable, mientras que al mismo tiempo es una herramienta para la vigilancia masiva del Estado profundo, la “guerra legal” y el control de la población.

Los sionistas formaron la facción neoconservadora que ha dirigido la política exterior estadounidense en nombre de los financieros con sede en Londres y Nueva York desde la administración Reagan. Uno de sus principales proyectos fue el 11 de septiembre.

El último episodio es la guerra del Imperio Anglo-Estadounidense-Sionista contra Rusia en Ucrania, donde Rusia fue declarada enemiga a fines de la década de 1940 después de la destrucción de Alemania. No está claro hasta qué punto el gobierno de Rusia es cómplice hoy en día del plan globalista general. Mientras tanto, los sionistas están involucrados en guerras genocidas tratando de crear un Gran Israel para sus propios fines.

Hoy en día, el Imperio aparentemente está siendo contrarrestado por Rusia, Irán, China y el Sur Global a través de BRICS+. Esta transición a la multipolaridad puede ser en sí misma un proyecto de finanzas globales.

Aquí y allá hay un número creciente de personas que ven lo que está pasando y buscan una salida. Las naciones del mundo, siempre subordinadas a las finanzas globales, están tratando de detener este despertar cometiendo genocidio contra sus propias poblaciones, mediante la proliferación masiva de drogas, la desnutrición y las enfermedades iatrogénicas, y ahora a través de Covid y otras “plandemias” venideras, junto con El engaño del “cambio climático”.

En el fondo funciona una conspiración globalista para la reducción de la población. La élite, en su frustración, preferiría destruir el mundo antes que renunciar a sus adicciones, vanidad y privilegios, a pesar de que la industria y la tecnología modernas podrían hacer posible una vida digna para toda la población mundial.

Una parte central del escenario es el control de las armas nucleares. Una Tercera Guerra Mundial nuclear sigue siendo una posibilidad. Los encargados de dirigir el espectáculo para Estados Unidos son los manejadores de Joe Biden. Su oponente, Donald Trump, no muestra signos de tener el conocimiento suficiente para cambiar la situación y podría ir a prisión. Robert Kennedy ignora las cuestiones económicas más importantes con una campaña que bien puede ser una “lugar limitada”. Nadie sabe si habrá siquiera Estados Unidos dentro de una década.

El “pecado” que hace posible todo lo demás es la usura que permite una fuerza demiúrgica destructiva de la humanidad.

La renovación de las esperanzas humanas sólo es posible a partir del nivel en que los seres humanos individuales despiertan a su potencial espiritual.

Debemos ver lo que está pasando, denunciar enérgicamente los abusos y buscar el Espíritu interior a través de la guía disponible. Todas las religiones tradicionales auténticas señalan el potencial de abrir las puertas dentro de nosotros mismos a esta guía.

“¡Toda empresa humana debe servir a la vida, debe buscar enriquecer la existencia en la tierra, para que el hombre no quede esclavizado allí donde pretende establecer su dominio!” Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943), traducción de Posthumus Projects Amsterdam, 2014. Véase también la edición de Kober Press de El libro sobre el Dios vivo.

The Ica Stones…


In this document we are going to move through the higher Dimensional Planes, to demonstrate that the true Evolution of Humanity is programmed in the Cosmos, from the origins, based on an evolutionary synchronization that affects all forms of life, including Human, controlled and tutored by Energies of the Cosmos that help us in this process, even for the Global Elite.

Humanity, since its origins, hundreds of millions of years ago, has been governed, subjected and manipulated by tyrannical dominions of the Global Elite, or owners of world power, in all fields, economic, political, religious, judicial, etc.

In reality, all of them have always been united by the same interests, the Control and Dominate, Subjugate the People.

Their vain power makes them forget that they are as human and weak as all those who subject and manipulate them, ignoring that above the linearity of their human lives, there are Multidimensional Energies, in reality, ourselves when we We project Light-Energy into the Universe, to generate great Changes of Consciousness, both positive and negative, that activate the evolutionary Chrono and awaken the “junk” chromosomes of a Programmed Evolution, which modifies the DNA of everything that is Life, including The Human also alters the Planet itself, with climate, geological, magnetic changes, etc., as is happening in the last two decades.

This “Cosmic Game” is what causes the changes of Era, to evolve and improve all forms of life, with catastrophic “sweeps” of self-extermination of obsolete life forms, as has happened during the Eons, until the form is achieved. of adequate life on Earth.

In this way, with the life experiences of human biology, implant them in other planets of the Universe, without forgetting that we are a kind of Biological Laboratory of the Cosmos, as I have argued in the articles on the decoding of the Genetic Disc.

It is not clear, if the genetic manipulation, climatic or geological changes of the Planet, are “controlled” by the Elite or are imposed by the Cosmos, it is much more than likely that in the great planetary changes, both forces interact, the divine and the human, in a kind of the classic fight of all time, Light and Darkness!

Since the origins, “Humanity” has become extinct and mutated on different occasions, changing its physical appearance, depending on which Era it lived, as the Lithical Library of Ica explains to us and will be confirmed, over time, by Paleontology and Archeology. , since new fossils of unknown animals will be discovered, presumed missing links of humans-apes, perhaps together with archaeological remains of civilizations that we have no evidence of their existence and are lost in ancestral pasts.

Anthropology, at the moment, tends to hide the true antiquity of Humanity and its origins, any discovery that does not fit with what is “officially” recognized is hidden and that’s it.

We will see until when! Since the signs of the existence of humanities, much more advanced than ours, are so evident that it is impossible to continue hiding the information for any longer.

Obviously I am in favor of the authenticity of the Lca Stones, despite the detractors, faithful servants of the System and true opportunists, who seek fame and popularity, simply, by hammering a topic that greatly surpasses them and has ignorance in their favor. and fear of the unknown of the town.

In all cases, their “investigations” are partial and interested, it is clear that they ignore more than they know.

I hope that soon, if it has not already happened, mutant remains of Humans (Drakes-Fish-Birds, etc.) will be found as we see in the Stones of Ica.

Some engraved stones show a kind of staggered “rays” on the heads of mutant humans, which seem to indicate “modifications” of a cognitive and even biological type, as we see in the attached images.

Apparently, our Humanity went through various forms of life provided by other Constellations, such as,

  • Draco
  • Ophicus
  • Sirius (Canis Major)
  • Deneb of the Swan
  • Vega in Lyra,

…etc., although it was the Pleiadians who, finally, gave us their genes and DNA system, which was “implanted” into the current Human race, to “unite” all types of humans, into one, as already I documented it in the 2nd part of Cosmic Biology and it shows it to us, the Nazca Monkey Stone.

Above, we see how Life is “implanted” on a Planet, with the “controlled” fall of Comets or Meteorites.

Both Stones have the Tree of Life engraved , with roots and connection to Pyramids (Captors-transmitters of Cosmic Energy), evidently Life came from the Cosmos, and returns there, when we become Energy.


We can reach the conclusion that the Elite has not invented anything, everything has been imposed on us since the origins of the Cosmos and is part of a Great Karmic Game, with its Yin-Yanq, Good-Evil, Reward-Punishment, but the most emblematic , is the fight of Light against Darkness.

In all cases, we speak of Duality, a consequence of the “veiling” of our Powers, as the Cosmic Energy that we are and thus maintain ourselves in the linear time of the Third Dimension.

This important Cosmic documentation was transmitted to us years ago, with one of the most enigmatic Stones that, explicitly, “speaks” of our Humanity and that Dr. Cabrera , donated to our Queen, mediated in the management, the journalist JJBenitez .

During my visit to Dr. Cabrera’s House Museum, in 1999, he explained to me the details of the donation, letting me photograph the photo of the arrival and unloading of the Stone at the Zarzuela Palace, one of his main memories from the office, along with the visit of Queen Silvia of Sweden.

Since then I have desired to be able to see and “contact” that wonderful Stone, in order to decode and document its message, so I will rely, in part, on the images on JJBenitez’s website , aware that the connection ” in situ”, would expand and improve the investigation, which I will document below.

In this Stone, we see at the top, a Super Human, similar to that of the Guru Stone, receiving the Cosmic Energy necessary for a biological Change, in his hands he holds a snake, symbolism present in all Ancient Cultures, such as the Egyptian , Mayan, Greek, Inca, etc.

At its base, we observe two demonic forms, representative of the Duality implanted in our Humanity, and the authentic engine of “free will”, which makes us be, from the most diabolical and perverse Beings, to Beings of Light or Angels at the service of the common good and helps all Humanity.

We project both facets widely with our actions, both for Good and Evil, which will be influenced by a complex system of Energy movement, which I will expand later on, in the Life of the entire Planet, including Humanity.

  • The main protagonists of the first option, indisputably, are Global Power, including religions . 
  • In the second option, its protagonists are the people who wish good for all of Humanity, those who heal, care for and help in an altruistic way, those most in need, through understanding, affection and a lot of Love.


I understand that the People need leaders to be guided, through guidelines that create order, for coexistence in community, based on education, discipline and mutual respect, until the day that the People are capable of having self-control over their actions.

Obviously, we are not in this phase, so it is logical that from the beginning, there have always been leaders and guide-leaders, such as the Global Elite , but the question is,

Are your intentions good?

Obviously, NO .

All important events that affect the Life of Humanity and its survival are engraved on the Ica Stones, of course, the Global Elite is duly represented.

The Power of the Elite over the People has existed and will always exist , you only have to look towards Africa, Asia, South and Central America, etc., to see that the countries where the people overthrow the Elite ( Colonialists, Conquerors, etc.), soon takes his place, a “chief” or local mini-leader, generally military, coming from the People themselves and, almost always, controlled by the Elite themselves.

That with their approval, the new tyrant enriches himself, at the cost of his country going backwards, both in progress and well-being, since local leaders are usually more bosses and cruel than the Elite itself, since without any scruples, they plunge into poverty and desperation, to its People, subjecting them to humiliation and submission, far superior to what they had during the rule of the Elite.

I hope and wish that the Cosmic Change of Consciousness also reaches these countries.

The moral is that we are all human and none of the blessings of Human Life will surpass the borders of the Beyond: we leave, as we came, Naked!

Although Cultures, such as the Egyptian or Inca, pharaohs, kings, priests, nobles and high-ranking leaders, were buried with their material goods, I am not aware that any of them enjoyed them in the afterlife .


The domination of Man over Man, imposed by the Global Elite, also suffers the consequences of the implanted “password”, which limits our powers and keeps us limited and ignorant in our linear 3D life.

The veil of our mental capacity is so powerful that we only use, on average, 5% of our brain’s potential, and we speak of the most evolved humanity and intelligence.

The access and use of the remaining 95% is strongly blocked by the cosmic veil that was imposed on us, when the human races were unified into one, ours.

Behind the veil, the cognitive powers are located, which we all have and allow us to access the Multidimensional or Etheric Fields.

The Elite, like the rest of humans, move in linear time, although I do not doubt that they have rites and ancient hermetic knowledge in their Secret Societies , which allows them to access the Multidimensional Doors or through some type of altered state of consciousness. hidden knowledge of the veiled zone of cosmic memory that allows them to maintain Power and Control over the human mass, moving away from the spiritual line, which they only use, for interested religious manipulations or to be forgiven for their “sins”, without “listening.” “his own conscience, the one that marks and modulates his true life, whatever the religious leaders on duty say.

Although vanity, arrogance and conceit, is so linearly human, that Leaders, when they are in power, feel like “gods” and enhance their “Ego”, with ceremonies of self-esteem and protocol acts, quite ridiculous and banal, as they usually do. make monarchies, clergy, military, fashion, cinema and politicians, making them forget the truth of life, that we are all Human!

These ceremonial acts are also engraved on the Stones of Ica, as we see, everything has an ancestral origin and nothing is totally new.


Although dominance and submission is supported by all of Humanity, the Elite, in all Cultures, since the origins, the one who has feared and controlled the most is the Power of the Goddess (Women), the bearers of Life and true engines of Progress. of Humanity.

Religions have always encouraged their submission to the authority of Man, whatever they were, the necessary means to achieve it, since women, being the Creators of Life, have developed a practical instinct for survival and protection of their children. , because they take care of their diet, health and well-being, a fact that makes them more astute, intelligent and practical than men.

For this reason, when they rule, their objectives are more practical, effective, logical and sensible than those of men, who are more utopian, idealistic or simply interested.

For this reason, efforts have been made to keep them ignorant, submissive and away from Power, postponing them to motherhood and submission to Man, always clothed in a false protectionism and presumed maintenance, with family approval, from Power and Religion, always ignorant and away. of Knowledge and Power.

The Lithic Library, in some Stones, shows in its engravings, the subjugation of Man over Woman, applying violence and mistreatment to them, which apparently have existed since the origins of humanity, taking their lives, if necessary, to achieve their goals. purposes.

Man fears their extraordinary power, because in the case of equality, they would surpass us in many fields, as we see in some countries of the Western world, and this is the reason and why the East keeps them ignorant and submissive.

Only when the Goddess becomes aware of her submission and repression and makes her own Revolution, both in the East and in the West, will they free themselves from religious, cultural, or sexist manipulations, and only at that moment will the Great Change and the true Ascension happen. of Humanity.

Humanity needs the wisdom of Women and their practical sense to break patterns and create innovations that allow us to evolve towards a better, more equitable and responsible World.


Although the Human Ego may make one believe that the dominion to which the Elite subjects Humanity is the maximum that can be aspired to in life, the reality is another and very different, since they, in turn, are also subjected, even if they do not believe it, to Superior or Life-Creating Energies, which in reality, are all of us, when we merge with the Cosmos.

Our Energy projects thoughts to the Cosmos, creating a kind of loop or round-trip circuit of our Consciousness, so that the Cosmic Changes are activated that affect everything that is Life, including Human Life, modified by the activation of junk chromosomes. , of DNA, especially Human.

This is the reason that helps us understand the interest of the Elite in bombarding negativity, in all the media available, TV networks, newspapers, reality shows, etc., to promote Lack of Culture, causing insecurity and fear, its true crown jewels, to subject the People to their interests.

The seekers of the Truth about our Origins have known this for a long time and we try to stay away from these manipulations, working as Beings of Light, in the Change of Consciousness of Humanity, being aware that our message will only reach 0, 5% of Humans, who will awaken to become new Beacons of Light, to guide Humanity on its path to the Age of Aquarius.

Although the Ascension and Change of Consciousness is for all Humanity, those who should truly see the Light, it is the Elite itself, since we have reached the End of the Old Energy , beginning a New Era, much more evolved and responsible, in which good sense and honesty will predominate over the savage economic interests that the People are currently suffering.

The Change is part of an evolutionary Chrono, coming from the Cosmos, to the point that those who remain anchored to the old values ​​will probably disappear with them, since we are immersed in the end of the Change, which is irreversible and appropriate.

In the news from all over the world we see that the People are waking up, because the Chrono mentioned above is already “activated”, making them go out into the streets to seek their own Evolution and Ascension, because “something” from within them tells them that it is. they have to do, if they want to have a future and a happy life, avoiding self-destruction.

So, Elite, Awake! and make correct and rational use of your power, the truth is that if you projected Positive Energy, to “create” stability and well-being among the masses, you would realize that “transmitting good” makes you happier than you think. that you are, without having to lose any of your powers and privileges.


But if we really wanted to “see”, life gives us daily lessons to learn, with messages of high human and didactic value, to meditate and rectify our attitude towards life since, unquestionably, bad actions are resolved in this life and not They are inherited in the next one.

If we look inside ourselves and analyze experiences from our own life, we realize that good actions arrive multiplied by much more than what we gave, on the other hand, bad actions are accompanied by misfortunes or acts of bad luck, far greater than the damage inflicted.

People with bad instincts are usually bitter, envious and have fragile health, with generalized illnesses and discomforts, that is, our attitude towards life and that of our fellow human beings affects us a lot, no matter what our social or economic status is. .

In the Cosmos, the Energies do not understand Thoughts, positive or negative, they return to you in spades, what you have asked for, good for good and evil for evil.

But when it comes to economics it is even worse, since, curiously, most people ask for “money” to solve their economic problems, without being aware that in reality, they are asking for “paper” and the Cosmos does not understand this language. , so it doesn’t differentiate “money” from “toilet paper.”

Another thing is to ask for health, travel, knowledge, wisdom, etc., or “dreams”, such as innovating by creating businesses or companies that produce progress, wealth and well-being for countries and their inhabitants.


When the Elite abuses its powers, without regard, treating the People like real, “farm chickens.”

That is one of the moments when the People rebel and overthrow their tyrants, as is happening in these times of cosmic changes that the Planet is undergoing, on all its continents.

The system, although it hides behind false democracies, such as the American or European, where Debt-Capital has ruled for decades, is currently in a state of agony, due to the excessive greed of the Elite, which, supervised by brilliant economists, creators of nothing , since it only understands speculative operations, or as they call them, “financial engineering.”

In reality, they are like a tsunami, destroying companies and jobs, they are true creators of chaos in economies, since their ability is merely “management”, where the only thing that is clear is that there will be losers and winners, but without create absolutely nothing, they only destroy, so that One becomes very rich at the cost of losing many, and in this concept, I include both businessmen and workers.

All the authors of the facts presented, be they Masters or Dogs, are the authentic terrorists of the 21st century, and they should be prosecuted for committing Crimes against Humanity, since the full force of the Law would have to fall on their backs. ruin of States, Companies, small businesses, etc., sending countless people into absolute poverty, whether they are workers or entrepreneurs, leaving them in ruin, including their families, causing despair among the masses, which in many cases causes great depressions, when they lose all their assets after many years of work, leading to suicide in extreme cases.

They are also responsible for the famine in third world countries, since it has increased exponentially, in addition to extreme violence, from guerrillas that emerged from nowhere, also poverty and begging, forcing them to emigrate to the Western world, creating many stability problems. In the countries, I suppose it is a Machiavellian operation, very well studied.

I think that there is a very serious error in what is driving the threads of this crisis, since it has destroyed the middle class of developed countries, with brutal virulence, since in addition to what was argued above, we must add the speculative deceptions and “legal” scams, against other people’s assets, whose main protagonist is the Bank.

The greed of these “predators” of the 21st century has no limits, they only care about serving the “master” well, to increase their “fictitious” wealth and power, without caring in the slightest about the consequences suffered by the People and with the approval of the Politicians who, without any shame, say that the People have elected them with their votes.

In reality, all of them are mere puppets in the hands of the Elite, they care nothing about their voters, because they believe they control everything with the media, so that the People are uninformed and waiting for “outrageous” news and pure garbage. , to “distract and cover up”, those who want it not to be known, above all, if they harm the interests of the Elite or affect the control of the People.

Although it seems that they are running out of bullshit, since the People’s movements are taking place worldwide, like the 15M, totally unstoppable and with unpredictable changes that could perfectly “erase” the current system for a new order, probably, global level.

The power of the people, when it is mobilized, is devastating, as is happening in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Libya or Syria, spreading throughout all the Continents, in Countries, where the abuses and corruption are so extreme, that even if it is pretended, as As long as the People pay, it turns out that they have already lost everything and have nothing more to lose, facing the System, without even caring about their own lives.

Historically, Humanity has experienced several revolutions, violently overthrowing dictators, tyrants and kings, in all eras and civilizations, especially if it is intended to leave them without a future or the possibility of subsistence, as happens today.

Update note: I wrote the energy projection chapters by instinct, without any basis, days later, I received the answer as to why I included it.


The Ica Stones are Timeless and come from a Higher Dimensional Plane, consequently, their recorded messages are reproduced and directed in a properly synchronized manner so that they are decoded, documented and disseminated.

As is the case of the Carrier Stones, of the fall of Kings, Dictatorships and the Tyrants of the World, where we see that the People are represented by the images of Humans, of a primary type, carrying the heads of their “repressors.” .

To understand the coding of this “trilogy”, we have to observe several details, first the Stones, the first appeared at the end of the millennium, the “dupli-triplicates” are from the period when the Museum was closed.

If they really are Stones that carry messages for these times of cosmic changes, it is normal and logical that they “reproduce” and reach the right hands so that the messages can be decoded.

Let’s analyze the most important differences between them, to begin with, in Stone 1 we see that the primary being is affected by a kind of “staggered rays” above his head, presumably coming from the Cosmos, which could be the engine of fighting and overthrowing their tyrant whom, in other times, they adored or tolerated.

Stone 2 shows us the same image as 1, but much cruder, in the jargon of my profession, it is in “renovations”, however in 3 , the rehabilitation has already been completed.

This symbolism, linked to the expulsion of the “serpent” through the ear, the expression of the eyes of the tyrant-oppressor, together with the detail of the heads of the People and the finish of the Stones, are telling us that they are the Stones of Change Planetary, coming from the Cosmos and perfectly reflected in the engravings and finishes of this trilogy.

If we compare the Stones, with a construction mentality, we could say that the first is the Old House, the initial one, the usual one, the second Stone would be that of the full “renovation” process, in which everything is demolished and removed. the old, to renew it, as we see in the third Stone, perfectly finished and ready to begin a new life.

I think the metaphor is understood, pardon the redundancy.

The end of the dictatorships of our times is predicted and programmed, I believe that the concept “dictatorship” goes beyond the symbolic figure of the “classic” dictator, I believe that it will extend even to covert democratic policies, manipulative religions and, above all, to the current outdated system of Capital-Debt.

Med Bed technology has been “suppressed” and hidden from the public for a long, long time.

Fortunately, due to the planetary shift from 3D to 5D happening at this time, and the increasing demand for transparency by the human collective consciousness, an increasing number of courageous people are coming forward to disclose what they know has been hidden for decades, even centuries, and most likely for thousands of years.

Two of these courageous souls are Ileana the Star Traveler (her Internet name) and Jared Rand.

Ileana wrote the information on the Holographic Medical Pods from her personal experiences as a Secret Space Program Asset on Mars.

Jared is a highly intelligent and knowledgeable man who has been working with the global transition for decades, and has information about many topics the general public is not aware of, including but not limited to, off-world ET technology gifts to humanity like the,

ared Rand:

“I am not an attorney, not a lawyer, not a financial advisor, and not a wellness expert.

I have been in one way, shape or form, involved with the entire global transition for 36 years. I’ve lost countless friends. I’ve been shot at, poisoned, just about everything you can think of.

Our attitude is we have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

A lot of us don’t know each other, have never come across each other, maybe once in a while on occasion, but the compartmentalization is absolutely huge.

A lot of times the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.

Is that a positive? Maybe in some ways it is and in other ways it’s not.

We have a wonderful group of human beings that have collaborated and worked together for a very long time.”

Jared says his family has been in the U.S. since 1624 – long before it became the United States in 1776.

Do the math and that’s 394 years (2018). He even gives us a clue to cross-reference his identity and family if we are so inclined to take the trouble to discover it. He says to look up Charlestown, a suburb of Boston, Massachusetts.

There’s a cemetery in the town (actually there is more than one), and on the main lock of the cemetery gate is the name of John Rand.

Research reveals there was a John RandSr. that lived in Charlestown, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America from 1664-1737. Thomas Rand, whose family was from Essex, England lived in the colony about 1626-1683.

Charlestown is a historic waterfront neighborhood originally settled by a group of Puritans. The settlement increased in size to about 20,000 people during what’s known as the Great Migration from 1620 to 1640. They came in family groups rather than as isolated individuals and were motivated chiefly by a quest for freedom to practice their Puritan religion.

Charlestown is the oldest neighborhood in Boston, incorporated as a town in 1628, and incorporated as a city in 1847. Charlestown Peninsula was the site of the first key Revolutionary War battle – the Battle of Bunker Hill (now The Bunker Hill Monument) on June 17, 1775.

Jared talks about high-profile issues impacting humanity’s 3D-5D transition, or,

…considered to be the greatest evolutionary event in human history.

He says his mission is benevolent:

to help educate the general public about what has been hidden from them, who and what we really are, and where we are going.

Tachyon Energy and Plasma Energy Med Beds

According to Rand, there are three types of Med Beds:

  1. Holographic Med Beds
  2. Regenerative Med Beds which regenerates tissue and body parts, that’s powered by a different source
  3. Re-atomization Med Beds that in about two-and-half to three minutes will regenerate the whole human body, head to toe

What does this advanced technology mean for an 80-year old woman? She could be 30-years old again in less than three (3) minutes. Fifty years pealed off her life.

Now, she can have children again. She could have a whole new family if she wants. It looks like to this writer that the Med Bed technology is a perpetual fountain of youth.

The Med Bed looks at the body and corrects imperfections. The technology has been around for quite some time. It’s not something out of the clear blue sky.

It’s just been kept hidden from the human race for a very long time.

The technology of the Med Beds is not from planet Earth. It is not human-created technology. It is a technology that has been given to humanity by off-world ET’s.

A Med Bed is based on tachyon particle energy and plasma (plasmatic) energy.

The soil, the atmosphere, the water, everything is plasma energy, everything in the universe is plasma energy, it’s just a different form through vibrational frequency.

The Med Beds have Artificial Intelligence (AI) that’s controllable so it cannot get out of control and run wild. The AI is the computer. It operates kind of like an MRI, where you sit in a tube and it rolls over your body and does a magnetic oscillation and resonance scan of your body to diagnose disease.

The Med Bed scans your skin, your muscle tissue, all the organs and everything in your body.

It shows everything – all the way down to the micron level of the blood. It actually identifies your DNA and it does a complete internal analysis of the body. When it does that, it picks up any disease and any genetic imperfection.

For example, you could have stage 4 leukemia, and on a Med Bed in about 2.5 minutes, you’re cured. No side effects.

And, if you had an organ cut out or removed from the body, the Med Bed’s re-atomization process regenerates that organ as if it was never removed. Because your body leaves a resonance – a vibrational frequency.

The body always remembers when an organ has been removed or stopped operating, and the Med Bed’s artificial intelligence links into the body’s vibrational frequency and DNA to regenerate the organ.

Rand says he has studied cancer research for many, many years. Cancer can be cured with the Med Beds all day long; very easily and very cheaply, too, he says. Because he’s done it for people.

With the Med Beds, cancer is gone.

  • Chemotherapy becomes obsolete
  • Lou Gehrig’s disease
  • Hodgkin’s disease
  • Muscular Dystrophy,

…all disease is gone, eliminated.

Rand says some people believe this whole process of healing with the Med Beds is just science fiction. That it can’t be true. Somebody just made it up!

And, because nobody believes it exists, its easy to manufacture them in quantity and get them ready for distribution.

“When you are in this Med Bed, you don’t go through any pain, you don’t go through radiations.

It’s not like some evil event. You go into a deep sleep. There’s no injection, no needles or anything. You wake up and look in the mirror and your creepy skin is gone.

Your white hair is the color it was when you were in your twenties (20s). It’s the same for your eyesight, your hearing, your taste, your smell.

Everything is restored to a perfected younger state again,” Rand says.

“This is the new age for the new Earth and new human race. It’s totally the opposite of what we’ve lived. These technologies are already here.

It’s a matter of getting them safely – SAFELY – to the people that can use them.”

In the article “Behind the Scenes News Sources,” on the update for July 15, 2018Saint Germain says,

Med Beds will be introduced to the public before the end of 2018.

As far as I know, this did not happen. If it did, I would like to know about it. And, so would millions of others. However, 2019 promises to bring some amazing disclosures.

Let us hope Med Beds are one of them.


Holographic Medical Pods

Ileana the Star Traveler wrote the following information on the Holographic Medical Pods.

She obtained the information by using a unique method “hypnosis regression memories” whereby Ileana was able to verify the information did indeed come from the Secret Space Program by seeing the holographic medical pods during her tenure as a Secret Space Program Asset on Mars.

Ileana hosts the Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube – an interview program covering topics such as,

  • spirituality
  • ET contact
  • healing modalities
  • awakening
  • the ascension process

She has published many fascinating stories of her galactic travels at her website, and also channels benevolent star nation beings, spiritual guides, and her Higher Self.

She has the ability to astral travel, conduct remote viewing, and work in the Akashic Records. She has obtained much knowledge from her past lives as a star traveler living out in space.

The following information contained in Ileana’s PDF reveals how the medical pods work, what they look like, and how they are utilized in the advanced medical field of technology with 3D anatomical imaging equipment.

Information is also provided on how the medical pods can,

  • revive people from the dead
  • cure diseases
  • heal wounds
  • remove scarring tissue
  • administer an age regression protocol,

…before discharge from the Secret Space Programs.

The Holographic Medical Pods are automated medical stations where a medical expert selects the type of medical procedure to be done from the computer database, then the patient lies down in the pod, and the machine performs the medical operation or procedure, then the lasers will close up the points of entry where the procedure was done.

These types of holographic medical pods have features such as,

  • an Airtight Operating Shield
  • Comfortable Limb Restraints
  • a Laser Scalpel
  • Laser Mirror Arms to remove scarring
  • Computer Controlled Robotic Surgical Arms
  • Liquid Spray Anesthetic
  • Vital Signs Sensors,

…and all of these features are mounted on an Adjustable Titanium Base.

The Med Pods (aka Med Beds) allow users to diagnose, treat, and perform a wide range of surgical procedures with the ultra-fine laser incisions that are guided by 3D anatomical scanning.

The 3D scanning has refractory lenses which take live scans of the body in order to do various medical procedures.

The 3D anatomical scanning lens and laser technology allows for complete diagnoses of all body systems including,

  • neurological factors
  • treatment of infections through concentrated antibiotic injections
  • detoxification of the body in order to cure diseases like cancer
  • basic or advanced wound repair
  • limb regeneration through cellular DNA reconstruction
  • scar removal

As well as other procedures can be done such as,

  • appendectomy
  • laparoscopic ablation
  • cesarean section

The Med Pods can also regenerate dying cell tissues in the body in order to make the cells healthy again, as well as revive neurons, protons, stem cells, etc.

This is done in order to be able to cure diseases like for example Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, etc.

The advanced medical pods have micro laser technology and multiple refractory lenses that can manipulate the body’s natural chronometer and perform age regression procedures through DNA modification or even do cross hybridization between human DNA and ET genetics, or mix animal DNA with the human genome to create stronger and healthier species of humans.

There is advanced holographic super computer software that can create various types of memory engrams that can be imprinted on people’s brains through light spectrum visual imagery in order to create false or altered screen memories.

Also, brain memory suppression injection drugs are administered so black listed classified memories cannot be easily recalled by individuals.

These procedures are often done in the SSP (Secret Space Program) while someone is being treated in the Holographic Medical Pod before their contract discharge time is up and they are administered the age regression protocol.

Interactive super computer software display that can encode memory engrams onto the brain during the age regression protocol process.

Some of the Med Pods have bio-mimetic gel on them which will synthesize healthy and young cell tissue in the body in order to replace the cells that are dying off and can no longer self regenerate.

The bio-mimetic gel is also use to prevent third degree burns from scarring the body so that scar tissue does not build up on the skin.

This gel also removes any germs or bacteria that can cause infections in the human body.

Left Picture) This is an example of how the Bio-Mimetic gel is placed on one of the Holographic Medical Pod units.

(Right Picture) A Medical bay being prepared for 3D metric laser surgery with one of the Holographic Medical Pods.

Medical Lab for Holographic Medical Pods:

The Holographic Medical Pods are usually located in medical lab bays either on space stations, planetary bases, or on space ships.

These Med Pods can be installed virtually anywhere as they do not require much power to operate.

There are also portable Meditech Pod units which put injured subjects into stasis (state in which the normal flow of a body liquid stops) sleep in order to slow down bodily degradation and conserve life force energy so that patients do not die on their way for medical attention.

These portable units are designed for basic wound repair on the go, and small scale organ regeneration.

Medical Pod preparing to do laparoscopic surgery on a patient.

3D anatomical imaging scans being done to determine where laser surgery targets for wound repair will be performed.

Limb restraints are being attached to the body so the patient does not move around during the surgery and liquid spray anesthetic is being administered so patient does not feel pain during the operation.

Laser Laparoscopic surgery is in progress while patient is under medication stasis sedation.

The reptilian brain consists of the upper part of the spinal cord and the basal ganglia…


Now we go below the surface “reality” of the neocortex and into parts of our brains which are still a great mystery to the infant “upstairs.”

These intelligence centers have enabled life to survive in varied forms for millions of years. They are not to be discounted even if they don’t speak the language of the neocortex.

The reptilian brain is the most ancient of the brains. It has two hemispheres, just like the neocortex, and it may be that they relate functionally to the left and right hemispheres of the neocortex.

The reptilian brain consists of the upper part of the spinal cord and the basal ganglia, the diencephalon, and parts of the midbrain – all of which sits atop the spinal column like a knob in the middle of our heads.

It is thought to represent a fundamental core of the nervous system and derives from a form of mammal-like reptile that once ranged widely over the world but disappeared during the Triassic period having provided the evolutionary link between dinosaurs and mammals. All modern mammals have this reptilian complex, including humans.
(It was the interbreeding or fusing of reptilian DNA to mammal DNA which created the Illuminati reptilian-human hybrid bloodlines and allows the “purest” of this breed to move between human and reptilian form.)

First and foremost among the traits generated through the reptilian brain is the drive to establish and defend territory.

This is fueled by an extremely potent “will-to-power”, exemplified among lizards by the ritual behavior of two rainbow lizards competing for dominance.

These animals have beautiful colors and like many lizards, use headbobbing and pushups in assertive, aggressive, courtship and greeting displays.

In a contest, once the gauntlet is thrown down, the aggressive displays give way to violent combat, and the struggle is unrelenting. In victory, they are tyrannical dictators in the extreme. In defeat, they lose their majestic colors, lapse into a kind of depression, and die two weeks later.

(This is classic Illuminati behaviour. Fighting each other and humanity to the death to impose their will and dominance. Winner takes it all)

At least five human behaviors originate in the reptilian brain. These have been denoted as isopraxic, preservative, re-enactment, tropistic, and deceptive.

Without defining them, I shall simply say that in human activities they find expression in:

  • obsessive-compulsive behavior
  • personal day-to-day rituals and superstitious acts
  • slavish conformance to old ways of doing things
  • ceremonial re-enactments
  • obeisance to precedent, as in legal, religious, cultural, and other matters
  • responding to partial representations (coloration, “strangeness,” etc.), whether alive or inanimate
  • and all manner of deception

Look at The Biggest Secret, my talk videos, and this website. They expose all of the consequences of this behavior – obsessively, compulsively, advancing their agenda at all costs; the obsession with rituals, ceremony, and symbolism; and…yes, yes… all manner of deception!)

All movies and television likely are a projection of the reptilian brain. How so? Movies and television (video games, etc.) are all undeniably dreamlike, not only in their presentation of symbolic-reality, but also in that humans experiencing movies, etc. have the same brain wave patterns as when they are dreaming.

And guess where dreaming originates in your head? In the reptilian brain (although other parts of our brains are involved).

(The movie and television industry is not only controlled by the reptilian bloodlines, it was created by them in the first place. The Illuminati are controlled by the traits of their reptilian brain and they seek to manipulate humanity through the manipulation and stimulation of the reptilian part of our brain.)

The “language” of the reptilian brain is visual imagery. All communications transferred by reptiles are done so by visual symbolic representations, each having specific meaning.

How the Illuminati communicate with each other and to the human subconscious with endless symbolism and visual codes.)

Reptiles do not dream, but animals which have evolved from the reptiles (mammals & birds) do dream. Why? Because the reptilian mind is still operating in them and we humans call that mental state “dreaming.” There is no “dreamstate” in reptiles because this mentality is their waking state.

It is repressed during our waking hours (but still functioning — it never sleeps) by chemicals released neocortically— then the reptilian is allowed to function during sleep and dream, when the left hemisphere is in turn repressed. But obviously, the reptilian brain is not satisfied being relegated to the “nightwatch” of an inert body. It wants far more than that.

Humans invented rituals and ceremonies, and then, theater. Now where do you suppose those revelations came from? Theater, with its famous theorem of the “suspension of disbelief” (which is simply another way of saying, “Put your left brain to sleep.”) is a re-invention of the reptilian mental-state “out-there”.

And of course, now we have excellent duplication of the reptilian mindset with movies and television, etc.— which by some estimates, occupies up to 16-18 hours of our time per day, when you add in sleep-dream time.

Ritual, ceremony, theater, movies, television, video games, etc.; all of which was created out of the territoriality need-compulsion and the will-to-power of the reptilian brain.
(All confirmation that the reptilian part of the human brain is the “battlefield” on which control of our reality and this planet is being contested.)

This “territoriality” and “will-to-power” is manifested in a variety of ways in human behavior, as are other reptilian traits. Let me give some examples, though you will soon realize that an abundance of examples is present in our civilization. “He” wants to marry her, and “She” might very well be interested, but they agree that before marriage can be considered, he must have a “good job” with a steady income and a “good future”.

“They” are rainbow lizards (or any number of other reptiles, birds & mammals) whose “courtship” consists of the male showing his ability to establish and protect a certain “space” before he will be considered a suitable mate… in short, this kind of compulsion/obsession is reptilian, no matter how much rationale the left brain of the neocortex applies to justify it.

Once his prey is lured to his cave, “Double-O-Dahlmer” feeds his needs by sexually dominating the boys and then mechanically dismembering them. He keeps their body parts in his refrigerator. “Double-O-Dahlmer” is a “cold-blooded, emotionless killer.” “Double-O-Dahlmer” is also a Komodo Dragon.

Komodo Dragons are suspected to be the closest of living reptiles that may resemble one of the carnivorous mammal-like reptiles that gave us our proto-reptilian brain. Komodo Dragon hatchlings take to the trees as soon as possible to avoid being cannibalized by adult Dragons. Remember this, for it will take on symbolic meaning later.

All of these behaviors originate in impulses at the reptilian brain or lower in the body, and are modified by the “higher” brains.

The reptilian brain is a powerful source of human behavior – primarily because it is hidden. It is deceptive. It is a secret from our conscious.

But we do “know” it emotionally, intuitively. It is the slithering serpent in darkness! It is The Unconscious. Zairian saying: “If you kill a snake, you’re still afraid of it.”

(And this subconscious “secrecy” manifests physically as the Illuminati secrecy which has been unfolding an agenda for thousands of years while the people have remained oblivious of its existence.

But because we are in the closing years of the current energy cycle, our sub-conscious is becoming conscious.

As it does so, its physical expression (the Illuminati agenda) also becomes conscious and that is one key reason why the agenda is now being exposed for the first time on this scale. It is a process that cannot be stopped.

Sorry, Henry, mate, the game is up because the veil is up.)

Isopraxic refers to behavior in which two or more individuals engage in the same kind of activity. It cannot be overemphasized that isopraxis is basic to maintaining the identity of a species or a social group.

The human fetus is in a perpetual dream-state (reptilian mentality). Newborn babies spend more than half their sleep time in REM dreamstate.

In earliest childhood, our mental state is controlled almost completely by the reptilian brain (along with the later evolved paleomammalian brain and the right hemisphere of the neocortex – the left hemisphere is underdeveloped in earliest childhood).

Reptilian Brain

Innermost in our brain is what is called the reptilian brain, its oldest and most primitive part. The reptilian brain appears to be largely unchanged by evolution and we share it with all other animals which have a backbone.

This reptilian brain controls body functions required for sustaining life such as breathing and body temperature. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals which are warmed by the daylight sun and conserve energy by restricting activities when it is dark. The biological clock (controller) for their activity-rest cycle is located in the eye itself {10}.

At this level of evolution, behavior relating to survival of the species, such as sexual behavior, is instinctive and responses are automatic. Territory is acquired by force and defended. Might is right.

(Might is right: The very basic foundation of the attitudes which motivate the actions of the Illuminati).

Mammalian Brain

Next to evolve from the reptilian brain was the mammalian brain. An enormous change took place as mammals evolved from reptiles, the mammalian brain containing organs {11, 12}:

  • For the automatic control of body functions such as digestion, the fluid balance, body temperature and blood pressure (autonomic nervous system, hypothalamus)
  • For filing new experiences as they happen and so creating a store of experience-based memories (hippocampus)
  • For experience-based recognition of danger and for responding to this according to past experience. And for some conscious feelings about events (amygdala)

To this extent the mammal is more consciously aware of itself in relation to the environment.

Millions of neural pathways connect the hippocampal and amygdala structures to the reptilian brain and behavior is less rigidly controlled by instincts. It seems that feelings such as attachment, anger and fear have emerged with associated behavioral response patterns of care, fight or flight

Human Brain

And the mammalian brain became the human brain by adding the massive grey matter (neocortex) which envelopes most of the earlier brain and amounts to about 85 per cent of the human brain mass.

This massive addition consists mostly of two hemispheres which are covered by an outer layer and interconnected by a string of nerve fibers. {13}

The brain is actually divided into its ’hemispheres’ by a prominent groove. At the base of this groove lies the thick bundle of nerve fibers which enable these two halves of the brain to communicate with each other.

(The aim of the Illuminati-reptilians has been to disconnect as much as possible the functions of these two distinct parts of the brain so we can be manipulated through the right brain while only being conscious of the left.

They plant thoughts, responses, and images through the right brain (the dream-state, the non-conscious, through symbolism and subliminal imagery) while imprisoning the human conscious level in the left brain – the world of can I touch it, smell it, taste it, see it, hear it, OK it must exist.

This is why the “education” system, and “science” is designed to talk to the left brain. This way, the Illuminati can enter the human brain through the right side, undetected, and these images and subliminals then enter the left brain as conscious, this world, thoughts and reactions, which people take to be their own.

This is why if you look you will find so many words like imagination, imagine, dream, and so on used in advertising of all kinds.

They know if they can get you in that right brain non-conscious, day-dream state, they can enter your mind with imagery and then tell your left brain how to decode it into conscious language. i.e. “I want to buy that car”, “I think we need to give the police more power to stop crime” , “I need to take Viagra so I can be a proper man”, “a world government is what we need.”

This is why most television programs are about a fantasy world of make-believe in endless forms. It is to open up the unconscious right brain and allow the reptilian brain access through that to the conscious mind.

Music is used in the same way. Nothing wrong with music in itself, of course. As with everything, it is the way it is manipulated that I am talking about. And who controls the music industry? The same people who control Hollywood and the global media in general – the Illuminati. The biggest music operation in the world, for instance, is Universal Music, owned by the Bronfman family of Canada, a major Illuminati family, who are mentioned widely on this site and in my books.)

But the left hemisphere usually controls movement and sensation in the right side of the body, while the right hemisphere similarly controls the left side of the body.

We saw that with the mammalian brain emerged feelings such as attachment, fear and anger and associated behavioral response patterns. And human emotional responses depend on neuronal pathways which link the right hemisphere to the mammalian brain {4} which in turn is linked to the even older reptilian brain.

Fascinating is the way in which work is divided between the two halves of the brain, their different functions and the way in which they supplement and co-operate with each other.

Most people (about 80 per cent) are right-handed and in the vast majority of right-handed people, the ability to organize speech and the ability to speak are predominantly localized in the left side of the brain.

But the right side can understand written and spoken language to some extent at least.

“Appreciating spatial perceptions depends more on the right hemisphere, although there is a left hemisphere contribution. This is especially true when handling objects” {14} and concerning abstract geometric shapes and music.

Roger Sperry, Michael Gazzaniga and their colleagues found that, when presented with a stimulus, both hemispheres were active and could recognize the nature of visual stimuli as well as spoken words.

But while the left hemisphere can express itself by verbally describing a stimulus, the right hemisphere can express itself non-verbally by selecting the matching stimulus. The left hemisphere deals with word choice, rules of grammar, and the meaning of words. The right hemisphere apparently determines the emotional content of speech. {14}

So a general overview of the functional division of activities between the two hemispheres would be:


  • Left HemisphereCommunicates by using words, has highly developed verbal abilities, is logical and systematic, concerned with matters as they are.
  • Right HemisphereCommunicates using images (pictures), has highly developed spatial abilities, is intuitive and imaginative, concerned with emotions and feelings.

But the two hemispheres are interconnected and communicate, the human mind brings together these abilities and skills into a comprehensive whole whose operation depends on the way in which its parts contribute and co-operate with each other.

The Illuminati seek to control the way the two sides communicate with each other, so they secretly talk to the right brain through symbolism and subliminals, while the person is only conscious of his or her left brain activity – the physical view of the world.)

The right hemisphere links to the primitive older part of the brain, and I consider that it communicates using images with its primitive ’unconscious’ functions. Thinking in pictures is fast. Think of how long it takes to describe a picture, a scene, in words and compare this with the speed of taking it in by looking at it. But images may be described, or transformed into a narrative, by the left hemisphere.

(Here we have my point again. You enter the mind though the right brain with imagery and symbolism – for instance horrific pictures from war zones or terrorist bombings.

You then use your media to tell the peoples’ left brains how to interpret those images – the pictures are “transformed into a narrative” by the media.

In fact, the media is acting as a collective left brain, interpreting right brain images for the masses, so they do not do it for themselves. This is why the media is awash with left-brain-dominated “journalists”.

That’s their function, though 95% have no idea they are being used in this way because they are left-brain prisoners themselves. This manipulation of left brain interpretation of right brain images is happening every time you read a paper, magazine, or book, watch television or listen to the radio.

It is SO important, therefore, to filter such information and allow our left brain to make up its OWN mind on how to interpret right brain images.

Language is both spoken as well as written, verbal and visual.

And speech and language and associated pictures, images and memories appear to be located all over the brain. Cognition of meaning (knowing and understanding sentences, for example) is high level processing which includes both semantic and visual processing. And behavior involves the integration of activities in many different parts of the brain.

So now the human brain includes the processing and memorizing of images and of their components. And the development of language and corresponding mental processing connected with memory and memorizing.

As well as the development of a wide range of emotions, of feelings, of care and affection, and the capability for objective and logical thinking and evaluation. And the later development of written languages and artificial images.

(The reptilian bloodlines are obviously far more dominated by the traits of the reptilian brain and so the extreme expressions of this are not balanced by feelings of care, affection, etc., as they are in the mammal characteristics of most humans.

Hence this mentality can create a war with 55 million casualties or sacrifice a little child without the emotional surge of horror which the mammalian characteristics would stimulate.)

 Here is an interview with Dr. Elaine De Beauport on these same subjects:

“It’s a very powerful time… The kinks are coming from the human mind – which happens to emanate from three brain systems, not just one.

 These three brains can be educated, although only one half of one, the left hemisphere of the neocortex, is now being educated. We see the left brain’s specialty of technology going haywire. My work is toward a much fuller education of all our intelligences.”

Elaine De Beauport is one of the foremost educators in the world. She studied at Smith and Georgetown, and received her Ed.D. from Farleigh Dickinson.

She has taught every age from preschool through graduate school; this great range is represented in her thinking and writing. She founded the innovative Mead School for Human Development in Greenwich, CT, K through 9. Of more than 260 alternative schools founded in the 60’s and 70’s,

Mead is one of four to have survived.While she was director of the Mead School, she became interested in the emerging scientific work on how the right and left hemispheres of the brain give rise to different modes of learning. With further study, she became aware that there was more to the brain than the left and right hemispheres, that it was full of structures – an extraordinary complex of systems–and she reasoned these systems must have profound effects on the way humans learn and the way they behave.She encountered the work of Dr. Paul MacLean, Chief of the Laboratory of Brain Evolution and Behavior at the National Institutes of Health. He had been researching and writing in technical journals on what he called the “triune” structure of the brain. 

But MacLean believed his work provided insight into social and psychological problems in humans, and should not be left in the laboratory or limited to specialists.

He reached out to the public in a famous lecture, “A Meeting of Minds,” given at an educators’ convention in the late 1970’s.

MacLean said there are essentially three brains, each of which developed during a particular stage of evolutionary history.

The earlier part of the brain, found in reptiles, could be called the reptilian brain, or R-complex. In mammals another structure appeared: the paleomammalian brain, with a new range of particularly mammalian behavior – care of the young, affection, mutual grooming, etc.

This is the home of the limbic system and the capacity for feeling and emotion, for the sense of smell and sexuality. With the development of human beings came the most recent evolutionary structure, the neomammalian brain – with a hugely expanded neocortex in the prefrontal lobes.

The neomammalian or “thinking” brain brought with it the capacity for language, visualization, and symbolic skills unique to human beings.

But evolution is economical, it didn’t cast off the reptilian brain structure. It added the two more recent brains in layers one on top of the other. They are all intact in their evolutionary forms and functions.

Although many problems arise because of a lack of coordination between what were originally three different brain systems, MacLean stressed that these structures are not separate, but rather are three systems integrated into one–hence, “triune.”

MacLean argued that all the old structures are active in determining behavior, and that from these different-but-connected brains come not only different behaviors, but also many of the problems human beings face every day.

Human behavior is similar to behavior observed in animals because it arises from those parts of the brain system, like the reptilian brain, that humans and animals share.

Human beings share primal patterns of behavior with other animals, just as they share those brain structures. MacLean provided a list of behaviors. Among his examples, #1 is selection and preparation of home site, #2 is establishment of territory, #6 is patrolling the territory.

Understanding that these tendencies exist helps to explain seemingly irrational behavior, such as teenage territorial violence, that otherwise seems to make no sense. If one understands that the brain contains these older structures, Dr. De Beauport would say, you have a better chance of recognizing and dealing with them.


The Iroquois and Founding of the U.S. Constitution!!!!

When the Founders met in 1787 to create the U.S. Constitution, there were no contemporary democracies in Europe from which they could draw inspiration.

The only forms of government they had encountered were those of the Native American tribes. Of particular interest was the Iroquois Confederacy, who had already formed a multi-state government that ensures individual governance and freedoms.

The structure of the Confederacy represented fiveTribes: MohawkOnondagaCayugaOneida and Seneca and was federal in nature, operating under The Great Law of Peace, a doctrine of 117 codicils where individual tribes handled their own affairs but came together to solve issues of common importance.

The founders were impressed by how the Iroquois legislated their affairs and shortly thereafter, they drafted the U.S. Constitution echoing the Great Law of Peace.

Historians agree the Iroquois wielded a major influence in the writings of the U.S. Constitution.

Mohican Chief Hendrick Theyanoguin, Mayor Abraham Yates, Jr., and Benjamin Franklin at the Albany Conference, 1754. (Illustration by John Kahionhes Fadden)

Before the Congressional Congress, leaders of the Confederacy attended the Albany Congress in 1754, where Benjamin Franklin was impressed by the Great Law of Peace and wrote what’s known as the Albany Plan of Union.

It advocated for the colonies to improve security and better defend themselves from foreign powers. In 1776, during the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, the Continental Congress in Philadelphia invited the Iroquois to make an address, where they were well received by the patriots.

In 1988, Congress passed a resolution formally acknowledging the influence of the Iroquois Confederacy on the U.S. Constitution. It reads, “The confederation of the original 13 colonies into one republic was influenced by the political system developed by the Iroquois Confederacy, as were many of the democratic principles incorporated into the constitution itself.”

In addition, the resolution stated, “the continuing government-to-government relationship between Indian tribes and the United States established in the Constitution,” which reaffirmed the legitimacy and sovereignty of Native nations and their governments.

About the Iroquois Confederacy

The Iroquois Confederacy dates back several centuries, to when the Great Peacemaker founded it by uniting five nations: MohawkOnondagaCayugaOneida and Seneca. In 1722, the Tuscarora nation joined the Iroquois, also known as the Haudenosaunee.

They were known during the colonial years to the French as the Iroquois League, and later as the Iroquois Confederacy.

The English called them the Five (later Six) Nations. Today, each of the tribes who comprise the Confederacy administer their own affairs and have independent tribal councils.

The Six Nations Iroquois Cultural Center provides for the viewing of 3000-plus artifacts, and features story telling lectures, and a gift shop adorned with Mohawk baskets, beadwork, books, t-shirts, silver jewelry, and acrylic paintings.

Astronomy and Mythology in Native American Culture

Before the age of global positioning systems or compasses, people looked to the stars to find their way. And before civilizations knew what stars were, people formed their own beliefs about their significance. In North America, indigenous tribes had differing ideas about what the stars meant, some believing that the night sky had spiritual meaning, and some attributing human-like qualities to the twinkling objects.

Archaeoastronomy is the study of how people of the past understood the stars and the sky, however this broadly applies to all ancient cultures.

The Mayans, Celts, and Egyptians alike all had their own methods for tracking the movement of the stars and heavenly bodies, but all of these cultures have the common belief that the phenomenon above their heads was somehow larger and greater than they were.

As such, the vast majority of ancient cultures associated the origins of everything, including the sky, moon, sun and earth with some form of mythology related to the stars. Astronomy played in an important role in early Native American cultures, serving as the basis for governance, agricultural practices and more.

And studying the stars also caused tribes to theorize about the beginning of life in the universe.

The Pawnee’s Guiding Principles


The Skidi band of the Pawnee Indians referred to a ring of stars in the sky as “The Council of Chiefs.” The Pawnee believed the circle represented their governance style of elders holding council to resolve important matters.

This constellation was paramount to the way the Pawnee interacted daily as well as their religious beliefs. They used the stars to set agricultural patterns and embody their own societal values.

The Council of Chiefs was connected to their “Chief Star,” what is now referred to as Polaris, which represented their primary god Tirawahat.

They built their lodges with openings at the top – not only to allow smoke to escape from warming fires inside, but to allow a clear view of the “Council” stars. Today, those stars are known as the Corona Borealis.

The Anasazi

The Crab Nebula

In New Mexico, researchers found a cave painting that appears to depict a supernova explosion; the orientation of a crescent moon and stars indicate that the art may represent the Crab Nebula, formed in 1054 A.D. by supernova.

The Anasazi way of life remains somewhat of a mystery, but researchers found that the tribe built a solar observatory, suggesting that the sky was extremely important to the Anasazi way of life.

Navajo Creation of the Sky

A Navajo legend describes the Four Worlds that had no sun and the Fifth World, which represents Earth. According to the legend, the first people of the Fifth World were given four lights but were dissatisfied with the amount of light they had on Earth.

After many attempts to satisfy the people, the First Woman created the sun to bring warmth and light to the land, and the moon to provide coolness and moisture.

These were crafted from quartz, and, when there were bits of quartz that were left behind by the carving, they were tossed into the sky to make stars.

Hopi Blue Star

Like the Navajo, the Hopi believe there were worlds before this one. The modern era is believed to be the Fourth World, and each world that came before this one ended with the appearance of “the blue star.” In carvings created by the Hopi in the American Southwest, it seems what they saw may have led them to a belief in aliens, a belief that certainly retains a place in the culture of the U.S. to this day.

The divisions between Native American cultures were not unlike the divisions between the societies of today, so few myths extend beyond a single tribe.

The Iroquois Confederacy

The Iroquois are a group of American Indians from the modern-day northeastern United States and Canada. The word “Iroquois” is a French word, derived from a Huron word meaning “black snakes.”

They are also known officially as the  “Haudenosaunee” and were also called the Six Nations by the English. Haudenosaunee can be translated to “People of the Longhouse.”

According to oral history, five nations banded together over 1,000 years ago to form a union. The five nations were the Mohawk, Cayuga, Seneca, Oneida and Onondaga. In 1722, the Tuscarora joined the union making the confederacy Six Nations.

A Council of Chiefs served as the Iroquois governing authority, however, the Six Nations function under the Great Law of Peace, an oral constitution that was first created sometime around 1142 and was later written on wampum belts. 

The Iroquois Confederacy established that each nation should handle their own affairs. The Great Law of Peace is a unique representational form of government, with the people in the clans having say in what information is passed upward. Legend has it that Benjamin Franklin used many aspects of the Iroquois system in the development of America’s government. 

The Iroquois are considered a matrilineal society because descent is passed through the mother, rather than the father. Both men and women have equal roles in the social, political and economic life of the community.

The balance of the gender roles makes the society unique. For example, children of either sex are affiliated with their mother’s clan.

The Haudenosaunee grew a variety of vegetables, such as corn, beans, and squash. Hunting and fishing contributed to part of the food they ate. They also grew tobacco that was used for ceremonial and medicinal purposes.

The men and boys usually hunted for deer, bear and small mammals. Although hunting was accomplished by bow and arrow, many also used and guns they traded Europeans for.

The Iroquois lived in villages with long wooden buildings called “longhouses.” Families would live together in the structures with extended family members. The Haudenosaunee viewed the concept of the longhouse like six families living under one roof, with each nation representing a family.

The Iroquois Nations could be described as similar to a large longhouse that extends from where the sun rises in the east, to where it sets in the west. the earth is the floor of this longhouse and the sky is considered the roof. In this great longhouse, the Mohawk nation are the keeper of the eastern door. The Seneca is the keeper of the western door.

The Onondagas in the middle are the keepers of the central fire. Together these three are referred to as the elder brothers and they represent half of the longhouse families.

The Cayuga, Oneida, and Tuscarora nations are the younger brothers and they represent the other families that complete the house.

Today, longhouses still exist on some Haudenosaunee reservations and are used for ceremonial purposes. 

The Iroquois Indians are the architects of the US Constitution and the Universal Postal System of the World!!!

I bet you never knew that the American Indians were governed by an Emperor named MOY TOY and enjoyed a Federation Government?  We were all falsely taught that the Red Race were just savages!  

The Iroquois Indians are the architects of the Constitution and the Universal Postal System of the World!  And I bet you never knew that the Red Race of America is the only known living descendant of the Continent of Atlantis, which sunk into the Atlantic Ocean around 9600 BC?

The overthrow of the Constitution by President Washington was no real loss to America because the Constitution had actually been converted into a business plan, designed to benefit the Founding Fathers and not the American people. 

This information may not correspond with material pounded into our brains during our forced public school education but it is a fact nonetheless.

America factually continued to operate under the privately owned corporation of “The Virginia Colony” until March 9, 1933.

That corporation was dissolved by President Franklin D. Roosevelt with passage of “The Emergency Banking Act.” Upon its passage he instituted a new privately owned corporation called “The United States, Inc.” which is registered in France and recorded under the Vatican Corporation of Rome!

Now isn’t that a perplexing situation?

The term “The United States of America,” never got off the ground.

It is a fictitious name fraudulently used by the masters and slave drivers because it conforms to the same educational material that society has been indoctrinated with. 

It appeases the ears and minds of the patriotic public but it is all just another corporate prevarication. America was guaranteed a public education but never guaranteed a truthful education. As Shakespeare once wrote “therein lies the rub!”

Factually, the concept or government institution known as “The United States of America” has not existed since the passage of “The Declaration of Independence.”

However the elite slave drivers have cleverly convinced the American public that this is all real by

♦ Creating and celebrating National Holidays
♦ By erecting monuments
♦ By adopting a National Anthem and flag
♦ By fictionalizing history
♦ By propagating a false freedom and
♦ Forcing this indoctrination upon society through mandatory public education.

Public education isn’t a bad thing but it can be when it is manipulated and falsified.

According to the Articles of Confederation the phrase “We the People” is defined to mean “We the Delegates.”

This refers only to the politicians and not the public.

This  proves again that “The Constitution of the United States of America” was never intended to protect or serve the American public.

There are several early administrative court rulings which confirm this same conclusion. These can be researched by those of you who require something more than common sense and my educated opinion or observations.

Contract Law

Everything in America is about contracts and it is our burden as Americans to ensure government performs honorably, is specific, and is prohibited from changing the meaning of common words, which is referred to in their circle of legal friends as “legalese.”

The B.A.R. Association Is A Foreign Body

The American B.A.R. Association is a ‘Foreign Union.’ Its members all work in collusion with Israel, the British Empire, the Vatican, the Rothschild and Rockefeller banking empires, Congress and the elite to undermine America.  All attorneys are ‘Agents of a Foreign Power’ who swear allegiance to that Foreign Power  –  The Queen of England.

This is why all lawyers must file a written ‘Notice of Appearance’ in every court case they represent.  By that Notice the lawyer is admitting to the Court that he is a ‘Foreign Agent’ and he is requesting permission to represent you in that Corporate Court. 

Your contract with the lawyer gives him “your sovereign power of attorney” to represent your best interests and he immediately uses it against you by confessing to the Judge that you will accept the jurisdiction and decisions of the corporate court.  So much for winning your case or any appeal.  There is a way around these corporate Statutes which I explain later.

When a prosecutor loses a trial he is obligated by the court to pay the costs of prosecution out of pocket.  

Your attorney always divulges your defense strategy to the prosecutor to avert this embarrassment and penalty from being assigned to him. 

This group is a brotherhood and these corporate courts are a business and everything is about commerce!  People are regarded as nothing more than corporate property!

The American B.A.R. Association is actually a branch of the National Lawyers Guild Communist Party, which can only be located in the hard copy printing of 28 USC 3002, section 15a.  

The on-line version of Title 28 USC has been altered by the Attorney General to read something entirely different, apparently because this fact has recently shown up in too many private court petitions and memorandums of law.

To become a member of the American B.A.R Association applicants must have obtained a Doctorate in Law or the equivalent thereof and passed an examination designed to test the depth of their indoctrination. 

If they pass they are required to surrender their American citizenship and swear allegiance to the Queen of England and not the Constitution.

  This means that all card carrying American lawyers are foreign agents, liars, traitors and communists!

No wonder Jesus warned us about “lawyers!”

“History is a fable agreed upon.” Napoleon Bonaparte…

A Lesson in Fraud

Judge Dale – An historic perversion and expert mind programming labeled Babylonian Slave Driving Techniques has been adopted and employed by all governments so that only a very few citizens realize things are not what they perceive them to be. Indeed, it is a case of ‘Elephants are gray but not all gray things are elephants!’

The following exposé reveals the Great Adventure and some (not all) secrets of America. Why not all? There are too many.

To begin, America is not a free or constitutional country. Factually, it isn’t even a country! America is a privately-owned French corporation owned by the Queen of England. Its modes of operation –  politics, government, courts, laws, currency and commerce – are merely the bi-products of several greedy, vivid and intellectual imaginations belonging to the royal and elite of Europe and controlled with the aid of their foreign agents and slave drivers who act in America under the protection of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.

The success of this private corporation relies heavily on the ability of its slave drivers – chiefs of staff, politicians, bankers, judges, priests and lawyers – to convince our teachers, policemen, soldiers and the general public of its authenticity.

Two major problems exist for this private corporation whose Board of Directors is comprised of European royals, Elites and Sabbatean Jewish Bankers.

1- Everything that the corporate Board of Directors decides is always recorded somewhere and is accessible with the advent of new technological advances.

2- Even some files marked Top Secret are accessible with a little help from insider friends.

Ironically, the only secrets’ being concealed within those files is our true history.

Their treason, rogues’ history and new technological advances in energy and transportation are being withheld from public view.

“History is a fable agreed upon.” Napoleon Bonaparte

Would it interest you to know that historically every documented skirmish, global catastrophe and war that has ever occurred on Earth since ancient Babylon has been a well planned and staged event, orchestrated by the royal and elite classes of the world with a focus on mind control, crowd control, population control and the stimulation of commerce?

Every religion on Earth was created by the ancestors of these same royal and elite masters as a means of controlling their slave population.

 They attempt to make certain that Biblical prophesy comes true by manipulating world events. 

You are told that you are a free people but if you are not one of them then you are one of their slaves. 

If you were born into great wealth or into the known current royal bloodlines and educated by the Bilderberg Family you are one of them.

For the majority this is not the case.

The European Board of Directors makes their money from world commerce.

Wars and catastrophes generate more income and spending than tranquility and peace. 

Do they care that people might die?  Like all sociopaths, they actually plan on it.

These next few paragraphs may read like an excerpt from a Jules Verne novel but I assure you this information is completely accurate and truthful, and that all these things will be revealed to you by the end of our calendar year 2012.

Humans are one people deposited here from a planet in another universe which was destroyed by our captors.  We were brought to this planet – Earth – as slaves to mine gold. (Earth is a virtual cornucopia of the mineral deposit called gold.)

Because of their great size we treated our captors as gods. Skeletons of these 39-foot tall “gods” have consistently and historically been excavated by farmers, miners and archeologists around the world. This has been intentionally concealed from our view by our masters.

Earth and our universe is just one of many universes and planets populated by humans. Not all human races appear as we do because we have been experimented on by our slave masters throughout the centuries. They have altered our DNA so that we cannot evolve properly. These modifications and chemicals introduced into our bodies have retarded our natural ability to communicate with all life – to read minds and communicate telepathically.  When we die we reincarnate into another new-born child and live the experience all over again.

Most of us have reincarnated thousands of times. 

This happens because of an electronic field about ten miles high in our atmosphere that prevents our ethereal bodies from leaving.

Planet Earth

Earth is actually a hollow planet with a small internal central sun which is populated by a mixture of other human races closely related to us.

Did you ever wonder what happened to the Vikings?  Did you know this population is far more advanced than we? 

Access into hollow Earth can be found at the north and south poles. 

The aurora borealis or northern lights is actually a reflection of the sun of hollow Earth which can only be seen at night when it illuminates the gasses in our atmosphere.

Admiral Byrd discovered hollow Earth and our brother human inhabitants but was prevented from making his discovery known to our civilization by our slave masters.

Is there a Creator, you ask? 

Very much so! 

Is Mother Earth a fantasy? 

She is very real but retains a spiritual form. 

Is she possibly angry with us? 

Very likely so due to our mistreatment of her beautiful domain. 

Are UFO’s real? 

Very much so.

They represent about 57 other planets occupied by humans who share our RNA and parts of our DNA structure and are far superior to us in science.

The Times In Which We Live

What would be your reaction if I were to prove to you that two elected Presidents of the United States were never American citizens and were elected under an alias or assumed name? 

The first man was a German national, an atheist and former Nazi SS Naval Officer and the former Director of the Nazi Intelligence Agency called ODESSA.

The second man is an East African national with links to Marxism and indeterminate (at best) religious affiliation.  I’m certain that this is a disparaging fact to hear or read about especially since colonial America was founded by people seeking freedom from religious persecution.

They were people who originally just wanted to be left alone, which made them an easy mark for unscrupulous men and monarchs!

Would it interest you to know that the first CIA Agency for the United States was completely staffed with former Nazi SS and OSA Officers with the blessings of President Harry S. Truman and the United States Congress? They placed WWII flying ACE, “Wild Bill Donovan” in a figurehead position as Director in order to sell the CIA to the American public.  Would it shock or even concern you to learn that the Patriot Act is a carbon copy of the Nazi Constitution of the 1940’s?

Who Was Hitler?

Our history books and media archives suggest the Allies defeated the Nazi war machine when in fact Roosevelt, Truman, Churchill and Hitler were close friends and Masonic brothers. 

Queen Elizabeth called Adolph Hitler “Uncle” and Adolph’s real name was Baron Rothschild.

He was a member of the European royal family and the illegitimate son of Mayer Rothschild.  At the time of his birth his mother was a servant girl for the Rothschild family.

Didn’t you ever wonder why the Queen’s Royal Palace was never bombed during the Nazi aerial attack of England? 

Two investigative journalists uncovered these facts and when they attempted to expose FDR, Churchill and Elizabeth they were arrested and imprisoned for 33 years without formal charges or a trial.

Shortly after the WWII German surrender the government of the United States secretly repatriated 155,000 Nazi SS and OSA Officers into the United States in 1945 under “Operation Paperclip.”

The average immigrant to America today is forced to suffer all kinds of hurdles, pitfalls, prejudices and propaganda to finally be accepted under US Immigration Laws.  These Immigration laws countermand the basic principles and guarantees of the Declaration of Independence.

Betrayals In Executive & Congressional Office

How would you feel about President George W. Bush if you knew that he issued two Executive Orders as President which

1- Made all American Presidents the official Dictator of America and

2- Permits pharmaceutical companies to release new drugs and vaccines to the public without performing the usual battery of safety tests?

This same Executive Order releases the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) from any liability for approving such new pharmaceuticals and vaccines for distribution and sale to the general public?

Would it interest you to know that all but four US Presidents and 98% of all of our US Congressmen have been serving as political decoys and official slave drivers for the European royal and elite masters?

Yes. There Is A Huge Disparaging Class Difference In America

The cost of campaigning for election to the Office of President or for a seat in Congress has intentionally been made untouchable and exorbitant in cost except for millionaires.  The purpose and intent is to discourage the average American citizen from overstepping his class boundaries in an attempt to secure one of these political posts.

Would you feel just a little bit ignorant to learn that the Republican and Democratic Party is another political fraud and that these political parties are actually the product of one large political conspiracy?  All of the candidates chosen for the highest positions in government are not chosen by party members or the public but are pre-selected by the royal and elite and must be related to the royal family. Each approved candidate must swear allegiance to and render a pledge to adhere to the demands of these corporate directors and masters.

The Right To Vote

The so-called right to vote in America is actually about slave registration.  Every applicant is asked if they are a United States citizen or other. 

 A US Citizen is defined in all law dictionaries as a corporate entity or fiction.  Your vote really means nothing during a national election because the electronic voting machines are rigged. The manual tabulation process was eliminated via the Bush v. Gore elections as unreliable. In addition, the Electoral College actually chooses the candidates regardless of popular vote count. 

This was the real reason behind the creation of the Electoral College. 

The whole Bush v. Gore event that occurred in Florida was a well planned and staged event to eliminate the paper ballot cards and manual tabulation by honest people. 

The use of racist remarks and displays of racism is also planned by the royal and elite classes to divert attention away from their true purpose. 

Racism is used heavily and well in America to divert the attention of the masses because most of us are very easily distracted and manipulated! 

The real truth is that there is no difference between the masses but as a collective group, the slave drivers couldn’t control us and so racism and religious differences are used to “divide and conquer” the slaves!

The Federal government’s usual mode of operation is to cause a problem, blow it out of proportion in the controlled media and then provide and adopt a remedy that only they can administer and control. 

This is never the “exception” but rather the “rule.” Each time a little more of our humanity and liberty is subtly stolen by the government on behalf of the royal and elite masters without the public ever taking note of it.

Most people are easily manipulated, entertained and distracted, which is the same reason why people are so fascinated with magicians and hypnotists.

American Jurisprudence

America’s judiciary are small corporate branches called courts. 

The judges are actually business administrators called judges and all of America’s laws are civil corporate regulations called statutes. 

People are treated as corporations in these courts and these so-called bastions of justice are all about promoting commerce and fraud!  To insure everyone is on the same page case precedents become a safety benchmark.

This next question doesn’t constitute proof but think about this – If American judges truly are the “good guys,” why don’t they all wear white robes instead of black? 

The answer is because black is the pagan traditional color for the Illuminati priests. This will make additional sense as you continue reading through this exposé.

The local police and prosecutors are not in place to “serve and protect” the American public.

To the contrary, they are structured to protect the slave drivers and the private United States corporation by enforcing its corporate statutes against the corporate enemy “The American citizen.”

Most police officers haven’t a clue about how they have been indoctrinated and manipulated.  They are so naïve and well-meaning that they actually believe they are preserving and protecting the public. 

The politicians, prosecutors, judges, priests and clerks know the truth and many of them increase their personal spoils with every conviction. 

Yes, the Vatican, judges, prosecutors and clerks make money off every conviction and lawsuit and their clearing house for all of these private spoils is located in the Texas Federal Reserve, under an account titled “The Chris Fund!”

If our police officers would simply invest a little energy and time to research and read something other than Playboy or Popular Mechanics they would discover that the amended version of the “Trading with the Enemy Act of 1933” signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt specifically identifies the American citizen as the enemy of the Federal Government! 

The fraud and deception perpetrated by these slave drivers works well as long as they can maintain their deception and manipulation over the masses.

The Pothead, Rum-Drinking Founders Would Be Appalled

Another concealed  historic fact is the first and foremost crop grown in America was “hemp” or “marijuana.” 

That’s right.

America got its commercial start from a plant that is now classified as a Schedule I Drug. 

Each of the Founding Fathers owned large hemp plantations.

The colonists made rope, flags, homespun clothing, sails, writing paper and medicine from the processed hemp.

The plant’s sterilized seed was used in baking, called sesame seeds. 

In point of fact, the original Declaration of Independence and Constitution were actually written on hemp paper.

The introduction of tobacco eventually changed the score because tobacco was so naturally addictive that England couldn’t get enough of it and purchased all the colonists could grow. 

Tobacco sold for more money than hemp.

However hemp had many more practical uses. 

Many colonial farmers split their land into two  – half hemp and half tobacco.

Others changed over entirely to tobacco.  All the colonists grew corn, potatoes, squash, apples, cabbage and raised chickens, beef and dairy cattle, and sheep but that was for their own personal consumption and not for export.

The British Troops Tire Of War

England had just defeated France in the 7 Years War and the English soldiers were battle weary and most of the English soldiers refused to fight the American colonists because so many of the colonists were their relatives.  So Mr. Bauer traveled to Prussia and engaged the services of unemployed Hessian mercenaries for the career English officers to command. 

The Hessian Soldiers had also fought in the 7 Years War and there was little need or employment for career soldiers

Their contract pay with Bauer was 50 cents a day. Mr. Bauer (Rothschild) billed the King 1 dollar a day.  Since King George had a revolving charge with the Rothschild bank, repayment for these soldiers would eventually be required of him in gold.

Upon defeating the French Bauer (Rothschild) suggested that King George arrange (through his newly appointed Civilian Administrator of France) to loan the Continental Congress the appropriations needed to supply and finance the Revolutionary War. 

The  plan and logic was simple – Bring America to its knees in debt and then foreclose on it!

Of course colonial America didn’t have a prayer of winning and most of the money and appropriations loaned or sold to them went into the pockets of Founding Fathers.  King George possessed one of the largest, most efficient military forces known at that time.

The Virginia Colony was populated by three million men, women and children in total and most of the men were farmers and tradesmen or bond slaves, armed only with knives and flintlock muskets. 

So it is beyond imagination that anyone could possibly believe that American colonists won or possessed a chance of winning the Revolutionary War or the War of 1812! 

But then ‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will begin to believe you!’

Nobody won the Revolutionary War but since the English military was first to stop fighting the Continental Congress declared that America won the war based upon an old maxim of law, which states  “He who leaves the field of battle first …. loses.”

Twenty members of the Continental Congress were Founding Fathers as well as English lawyers and aristocrats who had received considerable training in the art of English law.

They thought up that little jewel.  Need I say more?

This situation however posed a new problem for the Continental Congress to resolve, which was: ‘How to place their debt to France on the backs of the American colonists?’  They decided to tax all alcoholic beverages, which was the impetus that started the American moonshine business and rum smuggling trade.  One of the largest rum smugglers in America was Founding Father John Hancock.

America’s Natural Wealth In Resources Proves A Great Temptation

Mr. Bauer (Rothschild) had another motive (in addition to collecting repayment of the King’s debt in gold). 

Bauer viewed the American colonies as an untapped resource and prime location to establish another branch of his Rothschild bank. 

He knew the State of Virginia was as rich in gold deposits as the State of California and the Dakotas.

This piece of information was kept secret from the public because the high contracting powers wanted to expand the Virginia colonies to the West Coast of America and defeat the Red Race at the same time.

This is why the California Gold Rush rumor was started by the American government.  It was a rumor spread throughout the then-known world to entice immigration and replace immigrants who died during the westward migration.

Rothschild’s plan was simple.

He would establish a branch of his banking empire in the colonies, replace the Colonial Script with his Corporate Bank Script, then extend unlimited credit to the colonists with a repayment in gold. 

This had worked with King George’s advisors so why shouldn’t it work in the American Colonies?  Bauer also changed his last name to Rothschild around this timeframe.

Rothschild however was unsuccessful in accomplishing his plan for the American Colony because the Continental Congress rejected his proposal based in part on a business plan they were drafting or modifying that was designed to insure and protect their individual interests.

This plan titled “The Constitution of the United States of America,” was a modified version of the Iroquois Federation Government Constitution.  

The Articles of Confederation was the outline for the Constitution and which spelled out their business plan to control America.

The colonists were never asked if they wanted a Constitution nor were they asked to vote on this document.

The Continental Congress had always intended to steal North America for their own personal posterity.  The term “We the People” was defined to mean “We the Delegates” by the Articles of Confederation.

The safeguards found in the Constitution were not for populace protection but intended to prevent any one or group of Founding Fathers from cutting the others out.

While Mr. Rothschild openly condemned the use of “Colonial Script” as money by calling it worthless, his agents and employees who had secretly infiltrated the American Colonies were instructed to buy up or trade for all available “Script” that they could lay their hands on.  While this was going on, Rothschild sent his top banking agent – Alexander Levine – to further infiltrate the new American Government.

Once in America, Mr. Levine changed his last name to Hamilton to obscure his Sabbatean Jewish ancestry and conceal any connection as the CFO of the Rothschild Banking Empire. Alexander Hamilton secured employment as the personal secretary to General George Washington.

After Washington’s election to the Office of President, Alexander Hamilton was appointed by President Washington as the first United States Secretary of the Treasury. 

Alexander Hamilton always remained loyal to the Rothschild family and the Rothschild bank. As the first United States Secretary of the Treasury he manipulated the value of Colonial Script Rothschild agents had accumulated and drafted and proposed a 20-year contractual Charter for the first United States Central Bank. 

President George Washington signed the Central Bank charter into law, therein successfully entering the Rothschild banking empire into American commerce with the stroke of a pen.

The Emperor of America at this time was an Indian named Moy Toy…

The Great American Adventure 2A: The Indians Weren’t Savages And The Tax Fight Was About Gold

King George’s historic claim of ownership of the 13 American colonies (aka The Virginia Colony) was a prevarication.

This false claim was made by a king, a pope and by Mayer [Bauer] Rothschild despite clear evidence that America was already inhabited. It was inhabited by the Red Race, the surviving descendants of Atlantis, a continent destroyed around 9600 BC during a world wide continental land shift.

The Emperor of America at this time was an Indian named Moy Toy. 

In order for King George to lawfully lay claim to America it was absolutely necessary for England to either conquer the Red Race or negotiate with and procure land grants from the Red Race. 

This was substantively impossible at the time. Therefore King George’s Land Grants issued for the American Colonies were a complete fraud and contrary to the ancient international treaty law titled The Ancient Rights of Discovery.

The Ancient Rights of Discovery stated that only new, uninhabited or conquered lands could be claimed by a sovereign king or by his discoverer acting on his behalf. Representatives of The Virginia Colony negotiated separate Territorial Treaties with eastern tribes of the Red Race. It was these King George used as his base authority to issue his bogus land grants.

Factually, Land Grants could not have been obtained from the American Indian because the Red Race culture believed that “No man can own the wind or the sun any more than he can own the land, which the gods have created for their use and benefit. Since the Red Race was more than capable of repelling any armada sent against them by any of the super powers of that time the King and the Pope deduced that their demise would need to be accomplished by other means.

The Red Race was a gracious host and landlord and was willing to share what they had with the white immigrants, a disposition they would eventually learn to regret.

Pilgrims Discover A New World

The Pilgrims were a persecuted and exiled religious order originating from England and Holland. Some of the Pilgrims who eventually made it to America migrated from Holland to England on the Speedwell.

This initial migration to America was to be made on 2 British ships – the Mayflower and Speedwell. The first attempt departed Southampton on August 5/15, 1620, but the Speedwell developed a leak, and had to be refitted at Dartmouth on August 17/27.

On the second attempt the ships reached the Atlantic Ocean but again were forced to return to Plymouth because of the Speedwell’s leak. It would later be revealed that there was in fact nothing wrong with the Speedwell. The Pilgrims believed the crew had sabotaged the voyage under the pretense of refitting the ship. Their indifferent behavior while operating the vessel suggested they would rather not fulfill the year-long commitment their contract called for.

The Pilgrims were greeted by The Iroquois Indian Nation when they finally anchored in Plymouth Harbor.

The Iroquois Federation Government consented to permit the Pilgrims to live with them providing they first agreed to experience life as an Indian and were willing to comply with Indian Federation rules.

The Rules Of Admission

The Iroquois Federation Government and Constitution was a carryover from Atlantian times when the Red Race was the dominant civilization on Earth. The rules included:

  • No one owns the land
  • A prohibition against slavery
  • No theft of another man’s personal property
  • No persecution for religious beliefs [i.e.] freedom of religion

George Washington was supposed to negotiate an all-inclusive treaty with the Red Race, which at the time consisted of 568 separate tribes.  To avoid this Washington requested a meeting with Emperor Moy Toy. Moy Toy refused to grant him an audience due to Washington’s status as a commoner.  However, Moy Toy gave the eastern Tribes permission to negotiate separate treaties with the white immigrants, if they so chose.

The Treaty of 1791 was created between the whites and the Indians for Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee and five additional states located in the Cherokee Indian Nation Territory . This treaty is still valid and enforceable today.

The Great Mistake

The Red Race made a huge mistake in their dealings with the white immigrants.  They were complacent. They believed themselves to be in control and undefeatable.  Fights broke out among the various tribes in an effort to establish superiority over neighboring tribes. (This particular human flaw has occurred since ancient Babylon and continues to this day.)

During these tribal distractions the colonists broke many of the strict rules that bound them. The Red Race ignored these minor breaches of Federation Government rules because they considered the white immigrants to be an inoffensive, physically weak, uneducated and slow witted group. However, the white immigrants weren’t as ignorant as was believed because every minor breach was intended to chip away at the strict rules the Red Race had established for them with the clear intent to establish their own superiority over the Indian Tribes.

Many Pilgrim women chose to remain with and marry Indian braves because of how favorably women were treated by the Red Race. This particular fact was distorted by white settlers and government leaders to justify their attacks, theft of North American land, and attempted extinction of the Red Race.  For many years, in fact, white colonial women who were supposedly rescued from captivity escaped from their white liberators to return to their Indian husbands.  This happened so frequently and became such an embarrassment to white colonial men they established and introduced “standards of conduct and behavior for women.” Violators were frequently ostracized by the white community.  Unsurprisingly, white men were never held to the same standard as the women.

The Iroquois Federation Government, Constitution and Postal System was eventually copied by the Founding Fathers.

The Universal Postal Union (UPU), is a direct product of the Iroquois Federation Postal System.

These concepts were then modified by the white race to define money, generate money, to permit control and ownership of land and license personal and intellectual property, which has always been a part of the white race’s culture, idealism and preoccupation to own and control people, places and things.

The Puritans educated Europe in the Iroquois Federation doctrines when some of them migrated back to England upon the removal of Oliver Cromwell from his position as 1st (and only) Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland.

The Great Deception

Standard American history texts teach us the Founding Fathers originated these doctrines. That the Constitution and Declaration of Independence were the fruit of their intellect and invention.

Many erudite historians actually went a step further and identified the Red Race as savages. 

What is much closer to the truth is many of the Founding Fathers were often stoned on hemp or drunk on rum, and incapable of concocting anything as rational and complex as a Constitution or Declaration of Independence. 

They were from a privileged class who frequently partied with prostitutes and cheated on their wives in secret sex societies. 

As far as the Indian being savage think about this – if someone kept breaking his word and stealing from you, you might begin to behave savagely too.

The Colonization Of America Proceeds Apace

The colonization of America continued to expand while King George grew deeper in debt to the Rothschild Bank. 

It was Mayer Amschel Bauer (a Sabbatean Jew and founder of the Rothschild Banking Empire) who suggested to King George that he tax the American colonies and demand this tax be paid in gold. 

As George was so thoroughly in debt to the Rothschild bank he (through his advisers) decided to follow Mr. Rothschild’s request to tax all commerce entering or exiting the Americas and to demand that payment in gold.

His first tax was on tea.

It Was The Demand For Taxes Paid In Gold That Sparked A Revolution

The colonists did not trade in gold but had developed a system of exchange based upon promissory notes called Colonial Script which is both similar and quite different from the “Federal Reserve Notes” of today. 

The similarity is these are both promissory notes.

The difference lies in the areas of “consent” and “interest payment.”  The colonists consented to establish and honor the Colonial Script as a fair medium of exchange, one devoid of interest charges.

Federal Reserve notes were thrust upon Americans by Rothschild family agents in 1913, without the people’s consent, with interest, and with the despicable intent of stealing the fruits of American labor, equity and assets.

The King’s demand for payment in gold is what ignited the Boston Tea Party. It was not the historic claim of “No Taxation without Representation.” 

The Colonists were quite willing to pay King George’s tea tax as long as he would accept payment in Colonial Script, which could then be traded back to the colonies in exchange for tobacco and hemp products.

The king refused.

In response to the Boston Tea Party revolt King George sent his military in force to intimidate the colonists. 

This resulted in armed confrontation and many skirmishes later billed and classified as the Revolutionary War.

The fifty-one colonists counted among the “Founding Fathers” prepared and served a Declaration upon King George, declaring America’s Independence from England under the name “The United States of America.”

This did not sit well with the king’s advisers.  In fact it outraged them, and through them, the king.

The Colonists had learned to fight guerrilla style warfare from skirmishes with and against the various Indian tribes.

As a result they won many revolutionary skirmishes. However, they never had a prayer of winning a war against Britain, and many knew it.

However, they also knew King George did not intend to kill all the colonists because were he to do so there would be no one left to pay his tax. 

All he was attempting to do was regain control over his colonial white slaves and any new slaves who had joined forces with the colonists.