The gigantic Golden Solar Disc was held by ropes of the purest gold in a sanctuary located in the most important Temple of the Divine Light of the Motherland of Mu.


The gigantic Golden Solar Disc was held by ropes of the purest gold in a sanctuary located in the most important Temple of the Divine Light ofthe Motherland of Mu. In front   of the Disk, on an altar, which was a pillar carved in a block of solid stone, shone the eternal white Light of the crystalline Maxin Flame ,the Divine LightUnlimited the creation. Aroundof the year30,000 A. of C.La Luz MaxinIt was extinguished at the Altar because of the evil of some priest-scientists of the Great Mu. The Solar Disk remained in its sanctuary, however, until the moment of its final destruction and its sinking into the sea in 10-12,000 A.C.

As we have said previously, that Disc was not used merely as an object of worship, nor as the symbolic representation of our Solar Sun. It was also a scientific instrument, and the secret of its power originally came from the darkness of the past in the time ofthe race of the Elders . In part, it was an object of worship because it was used in ritualistic temple services as a focus or point of concentration for those who meditated. It also served as a symbolic representation of the Great Central Sun , or Cosmic Sun , which, in turn, symbolizes the Creator. As a scientific instrument it was used connected to a complex system of pure gold mirrors, reflectors and lenses to produce healing in the bodies of those who were inside the Temple ofthe light. InTrue, that was the reason why it was called the Temple of the Divine Light .In addition to all those functions, the Solar Disk was a focal point for the concentration of dimensional quality. When the disk was struck by a scientific priest, who understood its way of operating, he established certain vibratory conditions that could produce intense earthquakes and, if continued for a long time, cause a modification in the rotation of the disk.the earth same. When made to harmonize with a person’s peculiar frequency pattern it could transport that person to any place they wanted to go simply by creating the mental image of the journey. It was, therefore, an object of transportation.

The Golden Solar Disc of Mu was not made of ordinary gold, but of gold that had undergone a transmutation, and so unusual in its qualities that it was a translucent metal similar, evidently, to the metal of UFOs through which it is almost possible to look. .

Lord Muru brought that Disk with him when he traveled to Lake Titicaca, and placed it in the underground temple at the Monastery ofthe Brotherhoodof the Seven Rays . Here, it was used daily not only by two disciples of life, but also by the Masters and Saints of the Mystery Schools around the world to be teleported to and from and thus attend the Council or participate in some Transmission Ceremony.

When the Incas arrived in Peru, and they really did arrive, because they were not native Quichua Indians, but came from a land located on the other side of the Pacific, they established a highly spiritualized society on top of the ruins of the great culture that had belonged to the Empire. Colonial of Lemuria. 

The High Priests of the Sun of Tawantinsuyo – name of the Inca Empire – built their Coricancha or Temple of the Sun exactly on top of the ancient structure that dated back to a very remote time. In the ancient archives of their home country across the Pacific they had learned of the existence of the Golden Solar Disk of Mu and knew that it had been taken from the doomed continent and taken to a new land where Lord Muru had founded a Retreat. Interior or Sanctuary.

Once they were in Peru, the Inca High Priests searched hard and for a long time for the Disc but were never able to locate it. However, when they arrived at the placethe Spiritual Path where they could use the Disk for the benefit of all their people – the natives, the indigenous tribes, who had been amalgamated into an empire – as was customary in Mu, it was then offered to them for their daily use in their Temple of the Sun in Cuzco.

At that time the Inca Emperor was a Divine Mystic or Saint, and he made a pilgrimage to the Monastery of Lake Titicaca, and there Aramu-Muru, as Spiritual Chief or Abbot ofthe BrotherhoodHe gave the Disk to the Emperor. Orders were issued for several Lake Brothers to accompany him on his journey to the empire’s capital, Cuzco . 

There the Disk was placed in a sanctuary that they had prepared, and it was held fast with golden cords as was done in ancient Lemuria.

 Even today, the holes through which the ropes passed can be seen in the Convent of Santo de Domingo in Cuzco, which was erected over the pre-Inca and Inca Temple of the Sun.

The Incas called their Temple of the Sun Coricancha , which means Place of Gold or Garden of Gold . 

This was due to the magnificent life-size figures of men, animals, plants and flowers made of gold that were in a real Golden Garden adjacent to the Temple of the Sun. But the scientist-priests called the Temple Amarucancha .

 In some of the stones of Santo Domingo you can still see carved snakes (amarus) and because of this reason, they say, some called that Temple Amarucancha or Place of the Serpents . 

However, this is not the real reason. Aramu is a form of Amaru, which is one of the names of Lord Maru. In the Andes there are large snakes that are still called amarus. 

Lord Maru’s name has to do with the snake because his title is similar to that of another world teacher, Quetzalcoatl ,the feathered snake of the Aztec Empire in Mexico. 

Therefore the Temple of the Sun in Cusco received its name from Amaru-Muru , head of the Monastery of Lake Titicaca, because it was he who finally allowed them to have the Golden Disc in their Temple of the Sun. Within the major Temple there were minor temples or sanctuaries consecrated toMoon, the Twelve Planets (Stars), and the Seven Rays.

The Brotherhoodof the Seven Rays became the guiding force in the spiritual life of the Incas, and thus they learned the use of the Disc in the ancient codices left by the pre-Inca wise men who were lemur settlers. The Disco remained in the Coricancha in Cuzco until the priests learned that Don Francisco Pizarro had landed in Peru. 

Knowing very well what was going to happen, they sadly removed the Disk from its sanctuary in Cuzco and returned it to its place in the underground temple of the Monastery. The Spanish conquistadors never discovered it.

On January 21, 1956, the Beloved Archangel Michael of the Sun gave a conference at His Banff Retreat, in the Canadian Rockies. What follows is an excerpt from said conference:

“Many of the Temples used in Atlantis and Lemuria have been built in the etheric realms. Someday, when man is ready to receive them, they will descend gently. 

One or more of the precious stones used in the construction of these Temples were deposited in the hands of a High Priest or the Head of a Spiritual Order with which they are put in connection with the Celestial Hierarchy. There are several dozen stones from My Temple in the possession of individuals that are today at various points on the surface of the earth…”

The Golden Solar Disc of Mu is one of the precious stones referred to by Lord Michael . And it was placed in the hands of the Chief of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, Aramu-Muru. 

The Disk will remain in Lake Titicaca until the day when man is spiritually ready to receive it and use it again. On that day the Golden Record will be taken from its underground chamber and placed on top of the Monastery of the Brotherhood. 

The pilgrims of the new dawn You will see it from many kilometers away reflecting the glorious rays of the Sun. An undeniable sound of the purest harmony will come from the Disc that will carry the many followers of the light on the trodden path to the ancient gate of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, and they will enter the Valley ofthe blue moon to gather in the fellowship of the Father.


If we want to truly understand the meaning behind the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays and the Golden Solar Disc of Mu it is necessary to go back in time the about a billion years.

After planet Earth had cooled and was ready to receive inhabitants, a race arrived from space that was not human, although it was of the race of the original true man. 

It was the race called Cyclopean , and this is known with the secret and arcane knowledge asthe race“L” or, simply, the “Eles ”.

 Before coming to planet Earth they crossed space following all the great cycles of Time; 

They were Titans who traveled along the path of the stars (and continue to do so in another dimension of Time and Space) and who always looked for the best pastures in space for their livestock. 

They were the first life on the earth and they are the Immortals of our legends,the raceof God orthe raceof the Elders who preceded Man.

Some of the Eles were true Cyclops due to having a single central eye in the middle of the forehead. 

Others had two eyes like humans, and there were even others who had developed the third psychic eye. 

They were about four meters tall and were male and female, but not in the way we consider sexual differentiation today. 

Before reaching the earth They had colonized much of what is now known as the Galaxy of the milky way, thousands of suns and worlds fell under its influence. 

They usually preceded other life forms on a world after it was habitable. 

Once they settled on a new planet they tried to leave behind what we can only call great libraries in their deep underground empire of enormous cities . In these libraries small crystal archives contain the history of the Universe, and are enclosed in a magnetic field that is sometimes found in affinity with some “sensitive” person living today in the earth.

 The They were not exactly three-dimensional beings as we are today, although they were definitely physical beings in a physical world. 

They had tried, throughout countless ages, to achieve, as a race, a timeless condition, to reach a place where they could not only create by mere thought, but escape the chains of physical existence to break the bonds that kept them subject to the planets and physical systems. 

They were looking for the great secret that would make them Immortals, which would allow them to walk through Time and the Stars without any ties.

Planet Earth was possibly the last world they colonized inthe Via GalaxyDairy, because shortly after their arrival here they achieved the power of creative thought. 

They conquered physical matter and became Gods. 

They annihilated Time and Space; They no longer needed the earthly world or the great Galaxy to which they belonged. 

They were free! They had become true members of the Thought Universe, the Theta Universe.

In reality, the Eles were not known by that name until they achieved the Theta condition. 

Before that happened they were known Cyclopean Race .It was their method of leaving physical existence and the conditions that make it feasible that gave them the name Eles. By secretly using the Ninety Degree Phase Change they abandoned the earth and all the Galaxy and they left it free for humanity.

A ninety degree angle forms the letter “ L ”. Therefore, when we call them Eles we are referring to a symbol of their race and not really a name. Today many words derive from the name of this very ancient breed. 

The words elevation and eliminate clearly derive from this source. Didn’t the Eles rise to another dimensional condition? Didn’t they eliminate Time and Space? Just look in the dictionary to discover some surprising things between words that start with EL and L. 

Then there is the magnificent word Elohim .

On 24 April 1955, Koot Hoomi Lal Singh ( Master Kuthumi ) reported:

“On the planet is maintained the great Presence of the Beloved Elohim , Cyclops . His radiation covers the entire the earth.”

Master Kuthumi obviously refers to a member of the great Race of Elders. Although, by 1956, most of the Eles were no longer inthe earth, still acted as Mentors, and were usually Masters of the Instructors and Saints of the earth. 

We saythat most of the Eles were no longer on our planet, because some did not leave when their race achieved the Theta condition and conquered MEET ( Matter-Energy-Space-Time .)

Due to certain karmic reactions, a few members ofthe Cyclopean RaceThey did not pass the Ninetieth Degree of Phase Change, and were forced to remain inthe earth to fulfill his destiny, and eventually reunite with his race at a later time. Meanwhile, they would act in the role of Mentors to the human beings when they reachedthe earth.

Aramu-Muru (God Meru) was a member ofthe Cyclopean Race. He had maintained the same physical form for countless ages, renewing the energy of his life stream through polarization with his feminine aspect, Arama-Mara . 

Because, as already explained, these beings do not reproduce like humans do.

Lord Muru says that when he was in Lemuria he was a young student or man. However, different meanings must be attributed to these words. He perhaps means “young man” in universal things, and the meaning he attributes to “man” is that of belonging to the race of the original and true man. Many of the wise men of Lemuria, and previously in Mu itself, were cyclopes. 

(We do not call them Eles because they had not yet achieved the Theta Universe .) All the Cyclops left Lemuria and headed to other parts of the world: therefore, many of the Spiritual Heads of the Mystery Schools (Inner Retreats) were Cyclops who they would meet at some pointthe race of the Elders and would become true Els.

The Brotherhoodof the Seven Rays had originally begun   with the Cyclopes since they were the first to manifest the Seven Rays of Life on the planet Earth. 

These beings projected a special energy radiation that allowed the establishment of the Seven Rays of Life on our planet, and if it had been lacking, it would never have existed.the Brotherhoodof the Seven Rays. Likewise, the Cyclopes became the Seventh Condition and they entered Theta , the Eighth or Universe of Thought.

The Golden Solar Disk of Mu was not made by the Cyclops, although the principle of its mode of operation and the secret of its power were found in the abandoned libraries of the cyclopean underground cities. 

Those who are sensitive enough to tune into such knowledge of the ages after the human, discovered those Truths and made possible the construction of the Golden Record. Thus, the Record entered the lives ofthe Motherland of Mu.

It is necessary to know that the man inthe earthwill never become an L , but it will be able to achieve a timeless condition like this, because the present plan ofthe hierarchy is: the production of a subjective synthesis in humanity and the telepathic interaction that will eventually annihilate time.

Although man will not become an L , simply because he does not belong tothe Cyclopean Race( nowthe Ele Race), will manage to conquer the MEET, and will reign as true God , the Son of the Creator .

Lemuria is the name of the last part of the great continent of Mu that existed in the Pacific. ..


Lemuria is the name of the last part of the great continent of Mu that existed in the Pacific. The actual destruction of Mu and its subsequent sinking into the sea began 30,000 years before Christ. 

This action continued for many thousands of years until the last part of ancient Mu, known as Lemuria, was also engulfed in a series of new disasters that ended between 10,000 and12,000 A.C. This happened just before the destruction of Poseidonis , the last remnant of the Atlantic continent, Atlantis . Lord Aramu-Muru (the God Mer) was one of the great Lemurian sages and the Keeper of the Scrolls during the last days of the doomed Mu .

The Masters of Lemuria knew very well that the final catastrophe would cause gigantic tides and huge waves that would submerge the last part of their land in the raging waters and into oblivion. Those who worked inthe path ofthe sinister hand They continued their diabolical experiments and did not pay attention to “the writing on the wall”, just as today, in the earth, millions of inhabitants continue “eating, drinking and having fun,” even when the faithful of the Infinite Father clearly discern the signs of the times.

The Masters and Saints who work inthe pathofthe Right Hand They began to archive the precious chronicles and documents of the libraries of Lemuria. Each Master was elected by the Council ofthe Great HierarchyBlanca to go to different sections of the world, where, in safety, she could establish a School ofthe old oneand Arcane Wisdom. 

This was done to preserve the scientific and spiritual knowledge of the past. At first, for many thousands of years, these schools would remain a mystery to the inhabitants of the world; His teachings and meetings had to be secret. Hence, even today they are called Mystery Schools or Shan-Gri-Las of the earth .

Lord Muru , as one of the teachers of Lemuria, was delegated bythe hierarchyto carry the sacred scrolls that were in his possession along with the enormous Golden Solar Disk to the mountainous area of ​​a newly formed lake in what is nowthe Americafrom the south. There he would guard and maintain the focus of the illuminating flame. The Solar Disk was kept in the great Temple ofthe Divine Lightin Lemuria and was not a mere ritual and worship object, nor did it later serve this sole purpose when used by the High Priests of the Sun among the Incas of Peru. Aramu-Muru set out for the new land in one of the silvery, tapering airships of that time.

As the last parts of the ancient continent broke apart in the Pacific Ocean, terrible catastrophes took place throughoutthe earth. 

TheAndean chain of mountains arose at that time, and disfigured the west coast ofthe America from the south. The ancient city of Tiahuanaco (Bolívia) was at that time an important sea port and a colonial city of the Lemurian Empire of great magnificence and importance for the Motherland.During the subsequent cataclysms the polar climate of the high plateaus eternally swept by the wind rose above sea level. Before this took place, Lake Titicaca did not exist , which is now the highest navigable lake in the world, above four thousand meters.

Thus, Lord   Muru , after his departure from submerged Lemuria, arrived at the newly formed lake. Here, in the place now known   as Lake Titicaca , the Monastery ofthe Brotherhood of the Seven Rays came into existence, organized and perpetuated by Aramu-Muru. 

That Monastery, which was the seat of the Brotherhood throughout the ages of the earth, was located in an immense valley that had its origin at the time of the birth of the Andes, and was one of those strange children of nature to which its exact location and altitude gave it a mild, semi-tropical climate that allowed fruits and nuts to grow to enormous size. Here, at the top of the ruins that once stood at sea level, like the city From Tiahuanaco, Lord Muru ordered the Monastery to be built with gigantic blocks of stone cut by the energy of the primary light force. 

This cyclopean construction is the same today as it once was, and remains a repository of the science, culture and arcane knowledge of the lemurs.

The other Masters of Lemuria, the Lost Continent , went to other parts of the world and also established Mystery Schools, so that humanity could have in all the time it spent inthe earththe secret knowledge that had been hidden, not lost, but hidden, until the sons ofthe earth they would have progressed spiritually enough to study again and use the Divine Truths.

The secret science of Adoma , Atlantis and other highly advanced world civilizations can be found today in the libraries of these schools, because these civilizations also sent wise men to found Inner Retreats and Sanctuaries throughout the world. These retreats were under the direct guidance and care of the Great Brotherhood Blanca , Hierarchy of the spiritual mentors of the earth.

The valley of the Monastery ofthe Brotherhoodof the Seven Rays is known as   the Valley ofthe blue moonand is located at a good altitude north of the Andes, on the Peruvian side of Lake Titicaca. Lord Muru did not immediately upon his arrival establish the Monastery next to Lake Titicaca, but he spent several years traveling, studying and fasting in the desert, where he met with other men who had escaped the catastrophe. He was originally accompanied by his female aspect, Arama-Mara (Goddess Meru), when she departed Lemuria in the tapered air ship. Those were not spaceships, but rather they were used bythe Motherlandfor trade between the colonies.

The Brotherhoodof the Seven Rays had existed since time immemorial and had lived inthe earthat the same time asthe raceof the Elders, about a billion years ago. 

However, I had never before had a monastery where students of life, highly advanced in the Great Path ofthe initiation They could come together in spiritual harmony to mix the flow of their life current.

 Each student came into existence in one of the Seven Great Rays of Life, just as we all do, and these Rays had to be mixed by each disciple who wove his Ray, as if it were a colored thread, into the tapestry that symbolized Spiritual Life of the Monastery. 

Therefore, she was called the Brotherhoodof the Seven Rays , and was also known asthe Brotherhoodof the lighting.

In ayurvedic practices, oil pulling is a daily method of detox . …

You basically swish your mouth with one table spoon sesame oil ( for 10 minutes ) and allow it to pull out the toxic waste in your body.

Oil pulling with sesame oil has many health benefits including:

Releasing bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites from the body

Reducing heavy metals in the blood stream

Improving the health of receding gum tissue.

Whitening teeth

Encouraging the blood and lymphatic systems to cleanse by stimulating the production of saliva

Make sure you spit out the oil .  Rinse the mouth with warm water and spit that out too.

A Sesame seed sweet concoction was compulsory for me in my childhood. About twenty herbs went into that, which made it good for the brain.

Upon ripening, sesame fruit pods split, releasing the seeds with a pop.  This is the phrase “Open Sesame” (  iftah ya simsim )    in the historic fable of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves in One Thousand and One Nights.  The splitting of the pod releases the treasure of sesame seeds.   Simsim was the NE African word for Sesame.

Virgin Coconut oil and cold pressed Sesame oil are used for lymph node Ayurvedic massage. 

Hindu families  since time immemorial massage their babies with cold pressed Sesame oil or virgin coconut oil before bath and leave them under sunlight for few minutes allowing the body to absorb vitamin D and nourish the skin cells naturally.  

The oil penetrates into the skin quickly.  There is NO danger from UV rays of sun as Sesame oil provides protection as it has natural sunscreen properties.  Used on baby skin, particularly in the area covered by a diaper, Sesame seed oil will protect the tender skin against rash caused by the acidity of body wastes.

 The presence of vitamin E and zinc in this oil helps in augmenting the elasticity of the skin; repairs damaged skin cells and promote the production of collagen.


Sesamin and Phytate, in Sesame, is known to inhibit the development of different types of cancer cells, including:

Colon Cancer


Prostate Cancer

Lung Cancer

Multiple Myeloma

Pancreatic Cancer

Certain strong antibiotics used in treatment of several bacterial infections, can cause severe kidney problems, and Sesame seed protects the kidney.

In Ayurveda Nasya or nasal cleansing is done as part of Panchakarma therapy.  Sesame oils infused with medicinal herbs is administered through the nostrils.

 This aids in removing the toxins from the body, alleviate stress, sinusitis, allergies and headaches.

Used as a douche mixed with warm water, Sesame oil controls vaginal yeast Infections.

Now, you get the drift why Sesame seed is called the sweat drop of Lord Vishnu?

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy for oral health and detoxification. It uses pure oils as agents for pulling harmful bacteria, fungus, and other organisms out of the mouth, teeth, gums, and even throat.

Sesame Oil Pulling

Oil pulling with sesame oil provides many advantages for oral health.

In Ayurveda, Sesame oil has got a lot of recognition and was used as a base in several medicines.

Its antibacterial qualities help control oral problems like gingival plaque.

Also, the presence of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties heals swelling and bleeding gum. 

How to oil pull?

Here are the 4 simple steps to do oil pulling:

  1. Measure one tablespoon of sesame oil, preferably wood-pressed. 
  2. Swish it around in your mouth for 15–20 minutes, being careful not to swallow any.
  3. Spit the oil into a trash can once done.
  4. Rinse your mouth well using water before eating or drinking anything.

What does oil pulling do?

Oil pulling can kill bacteria in the mouth and improve dental health. Some alternative medicine practitioners also claim that it can help treat several diseases. Here are some of the science-backed benefits of oil pulling-

1. Kills the harmful bacteria in your mouth

There are approximately 350 different types of bacteria that reside in your mouth all the time.

Most of these bacteria are responsible for oral problems like cavities and gum problems. Studies show that oil pulling can help reduce the number of bacteria in your mouth. Oil can cleanse out harmful bacteria, as well as reduce fungal overgrowth. 

2. Helps reduce bad breath

Halitosis, also known as bad breath, is a condition that affects an estimated 50% of the population. Although the reasons for it may vary widely, oil pulling is one of the traditional methods used to reduce it. A study showed that sesame oil and chlorhexidine are equally effective for treating bad breath.

3. Helps prevent cavities, improve gum health and reduce inflammation

Oil pulling may also increase saponification in the mouth, creating a soapy environment that cleanses the mouth.

Specifically, using sesame oil as an oral health agent helps to reduce the number of germs in both teeth plaque, and mouth saliva.

The lipids in the oil both pull out bacteria, as well as stop bacteria from sticking to the walls of the oral cavity. There is also anecdotal evidence that oil pulling could be a natural way to whiten your teeth.

4. Other possible benefits for oral health

Apart from the above-mentioned benefits, oil pulling also helps in the overall strengthening of the teeth and gums, and jaws. It is also a holistic remedy for bleeding gums and also prevents dryness of the lips, mouth, and throat.

5. Benefits beyond the mouth

According to an ancient Ayurvedic belief that oil pulling could help fight more than just mouth and throat diseases.

Other benefits include migraine/headache relief, increases energy, aids hormone changes, helps reduce insomnia, keeps your skin clear, reduces hangover after alcohol consumption, and helps detoxify the body.

One of the most common misconceptions is that sesame oil pulling can replace brushing your teeth. It is necessary for us to remove plaque.

Oil pulling with sesame oil or any other oil should never be a replacement for brushing, that would only increase the risk of getting cavities.

When you start with sesame oil pulling, you might experience some of the positive effects immediately, or it may take a few days or even weeks.

It will very much depend on the state of your health, to begin with, and how compromised your immune system is.

Either way, this is an easy and cheap way to boost your oral health.



Both Sesame seed and Darbha ( Kusa ) grass emanated from the body of Lord Vishnu.  For Hindus Sesame seed is hence a divine seed.

As per Garuda Purana , an offering  of Sesame seeds to ancestors (shraddha) prevents negative energies from posing obstacles in the homam rites.

Garuda is the conscious Vimana or vehicle of Lord Vishnu.  It could assume terrifying proportions and could block out the sun.

During Samudra manthan , the fibres flaked off the back of the giant tortoise by Mount Meru got mixed with Amrit drops and was swept ashore , from which Darbha grass grew.  

Every Hindu knows that while doing Shradda for dead ancestors he has to sit of Darbha grass and also put a ring of this grass on his right hand 4th finger on which he pours holy water into the earthen pot holding the cremated bone fragments..

During Samudra Manthan Lord Vishnu’s sweat fell on the ground and this became Til or Sesame seeds.

Sesame seed oil , Coconut oil and ghee of vedic humped cows ( A2 milk ) are the only oils used by 6000 year old Ayurveda.

Sesame seed is mentioned as a seed of immortality in our Vedas written in Sanskrit 7000 years ago.

Sesame seeds first appeared in India , and then it spread over the rest of the world.  Even today India is the largest exporter of Sesame seeds.

Ancient Indian medical texts expound the use of Sesame seeds.


Ancient Indian soldiers used to carry a pouch of Sesame seeds as military rations.

During Makara Sankranti all lamps in Hindu houses and temples are lit using sesame oil.

Last week the world’s largest restaurant franchise chain, McDonald’s made a monumental announcement regarding its hamburger buns to save 14 million USD per year..

The fast food giant will soon be eliminating the sesame seeds from its Big Macs and also from all of its other hamburger buns.

They had received compalints from customers reporting sesame seeds getting caught in their teeth and dentures.


These seame seeds was the only good thing in the burger—whose lettuce and veggies were GM and grown using pesticides on chemical fertilizer laden fields.  The cheese slice inside is made of toxic A1 humpless cow milk.  The beef inside is hormone and enzyme injected meat.

Sesame seed has  very high oil content.  The crop survives drought as well as presence of excess water and requires very little care.

Nutritional value per 100 g

Energy        2,372 kJ (567 kcal)

Protein       16.96 g

Calcium      131 mg (13%)

Iron            7.78 mg (60%)

Magnesium      346 mg (97%)

Phosphorus      774 mg (111%)

Potassium        406 mg (9%)

Sodium            39 mg (3%)

Zinc           7.16 mg (75%)

Vegetarians must note the high amount of protein in Sesame seed.  

As far as dynamics of essential minerals like calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium are concerned –

Punch into google search-


One cup of natural sesame seeds has 1404  milligrams of calcium good for bone health , while one cup of  whole milk has only 291 milligrams of calcium. 

In addition to promoting healthy skin, zinc has also been shown to boost bone mineral density and bone health as a whole.  There is a correlation between zinc deficiency and osteoporosis in the hip and spine area.  The high amounts of magnesium and zinc present in the seed help in strengthening  blood circulation and neural impulses.

Sesame seeds are a naturally rich source of phytosterols  ( 410 mg per 100 gms ).   They have the  ability to help lower your LDL, or “bad” cholesterol levels.   Normally, cholesterol ,  both from your food and liver is absorbed through the small intestine and circulates into the bloodstream. Phytosterols, however, are minimally absorbed from the small intestine, so they do not enter into the bloodstream and are instead excreted out of the body.  

Sesame seeds contain 18% Selenium which is an antioxidant. Antioxidants protect cells from damage.  Sesame seeds prevent the onset of Prostrate cancer.  Selenium is a trace mineral and a vital nutrient to fight against cancer and heart diseases.  This is important for metabolic functions and proper cell functioning in the spleen, pancreas kidneys, liver, and testes. 

Selenium is also required by the skin for healing burn injuries and other skin conditions. Selenium in the diet can lower heart disease. Selenium can reduce oxidation of cholesterol and clotting of blood. Selenium has the antioxidants useful in sperm formation and thus, it boosts the sperm’s mobility. This increases the sperm’s chances in fertilizing the egg. 

It also reduces birth defects in infants.  Selenium boosts glucose and regulates metabolic processes. Selenium helps to maintain thyroid related hormones. 

Selenium helps to fight free radical cells. It forms antioxidants in the body to fight free radicals which damage cells and lead to aging.  Selenium is considered a natural method to cure and get rid of acne.  

Selenium increases the strength of the immune system. Selenium boosts the efficiency of white blood cells and thus, helps our bodies to remain healthy and virus free. Infections and viruses can cause cold and flu, diarrhoea, sneezing, etc.  

Selenium boosts hair growth and reduces dandruff.  Selenium is included in many anti-dandruff shampoos to fight against dandruff. Selenium can utilize foods that contain protein and boost growth of hair.  

 Zinc and selenium are advised by doctors for hair loss. This helps in proper functioning of hormones and increased growth of hair. They can be used to treat many hair problems as gray hair, hair loss, dandruff, etc.  

Selenium is an anti-inflammatory agent.  Combining selenium with vitamin E can cure chronic conditions like psoriasis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and eczema.

Sesame seeds contain 45% Manganese.  Manganese helps maintain bone density and thus prevent fractures, osteoporosis and spinal bone loss in women after menopause.  It helps to form glucosamine, required for bone cartilage and lubricating fluid in joints and thus joint mobility.

Manganese helps to nourish brain cells and the nerves. It helps transmission of electrical signal in body and thus proper coordination of brain, nerves and muscles. Studies have shown that epilepsy or seizure disorder are associated with low manganese levels in blood and thus can be treated with manganese supplements.  

Manganese participate in production of sex hormones and maintaining reproductive health. It is involved in normal reproductive and function of mammary glands. Reproductive function in manganese deficient patients is characterized  by defective ovulation, ovarian and testicular degeneration, and increased infant mortality.

Manganese is an anti-oxidant and helps remove free radicals from body.  Significant health benefits of manganese have been found for women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome. It reduces cramps, mood swings and other PMS symptoms in women.Manganese is crucial for treating blood sugar and insulin issues.

Manganese improves thyroid function and any deficiency may result in hypothyroidism. Manganese deficiency causes nausea, vomiting, dizziness, skin rash, high blood sugar or bone loss. Prolonged deficiency of manganese may cause retarded growth, digestive disorders, abnormal bone development and deformities, sterility and sexual impotence in men.

The zinc ( 19% ) in sesame seeds promotes bone health and prevents osteoporosis later in life. Zinc is  good for sexual health  and it can help testosterone and sperm production in men.

Sesame seeds contain Tryptophan(38%).  During the processing of protein, the body creates serotonin which helps to regulate appetite and mood.  When the body makes serotonin, some of it is converted to melatonin, which helps to normalize sleep patterns.

Disorders such as deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are caused by low levels of serotonin in the brain.

Oleic acid is a mono-unsaturated fatty acid present in the sesame seeds. This heart healthy mono-unsaturated fatty acid will lower your LDL, increase HLD or good cholesterol. Therefore, it will support your heart and will also save it from arteriosclerosis and strokes.

Oleic acid is one of the better fats for humans to consume. It can lower total cholesterol levels by raising blood concentrations of high-density lipoproteins while reducing low-density lipoproteins, also known as the “bad” cholesterol.  

It has been shown to slow the development of heart disease and also promotes the production of antioxidants, elements that can help trap harmful free radicals in the body.

The acid is often able to penetrate past the outer skin layer, which leads to a much longer-lasting and more intense moisture. While standard lotions and creams may simply sit on the top of the skin, those made with omega-9 fatty acids typically go much deeper.

Most bee and ant species secrete the acid as a pheromone, which is a type of hormone that is detected by smell. When they die, their corpses tend to emit high levels of this pheromone, possibly as a warning to others. If the insect died because of something it ate or some other danger in the area, the acid’s smell will serve as a warning to others to stay away. 

It may also be a signal for colony members to come and collect the corpse, a common practice in species that perform group rituals for fallen members. Probably this is why Sesame seed is included in the Pindam rice balls for dead ancestor rites. The moment you clap your hands the raven crows come in droves.

Oleic acid is an omega nine fatty acid and it has the ability of lowering the blood pressure, decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and increasing the levels of good cholesterol in the blood.  

The molecules of the oleic acid are larger than most other molecules so they do not bond with them that easily which means that oleic acid may come in very handy when it comes to improving the blood flow and preventing the formation of the plaque in the arteries.  

Since it deals with the low density cholesterol in the high density cholesterol it is very good at improving one’s overall quality of health.

Oleic acid is also known for its potent antioxidant properties.

Oleic acid is very efficient in strengthening the cell membrane integrity, boosting the power of memory, optimizing the functioning of the brain, improving the functions of the heart, aiding the circulatory system, reducing all symptoms commonly related to arthritis, boosting the energy, aiding the weight loss, relieving the symptoms of asthma, reducing the insulin resistance, moisturizing the skin and strengthening the hair.

 It also prevents heart failure,  cancer, angina pectoris, 

atheroscletosis, high blood pressure and stroke.

Sesame seeds contain Thiamin B1 which the muscle tone along the walls of the digestive tract and promotes the health of the nervous system, skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver.  It also improves the body’s ability to withstand stress and is often called the “anti-stress” vitamin.

Some of the early symptoms of Thiamin B1 deficiency includes lethargy, loss of memory, loss of sleep or appetite, indigestion or constipation, and calf muscle tenderness.  If left untreated these initial symptoms might lead to a more severe form of thiamin deficiency, known as Beriberi.  This condition is characterized by nerve, heart, and brain abnormalities.

Vitamin B1 helps in many important bodily functions and its benefits include the following–

Sugar is the principal source of energy in our body where it is oxidized to form a usable form of energy due to the presence of vitamin B1. It is part of a complex enzyme system called the pyruvate dehydrogenase system, which helps in the oxidation of sugar. Vitamin B1 is required for the functioning of this enzyme system, which releases energy for a variety of normal functions in the body.

Vitamin B1 helps in the proper development of myelin sheaths around nerves. A deficiency of Vitamin B1 might result in the degeneration of these coverings, which can result in nerve death and damage.

This vitamin helps in the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is used to relay messages between the nerves and muscles and to ensure proper cardiac function. Vitamin B1 deficiency can therefore result in irregular cardiac functions. People suffering from congestive heart failure, when given vitamin B1 intravenously for seven days, showed considerable improvements in their echocardiograms, which proves that vitamin B1 can prevent heart disease.

When used along with other essential nutrients, Vitamin B1 can  prevent the occurrence of cataracts.

Vitamin B1 works as a powerful antioxidant, which helps you protect your body from the signs of aging like wrinkles, age spots, and other age-related conditions that regularly affect the organ systems. This vitamin also helps in the secretion of hydrochloric acid, which is essential for the complete digestion of food particles.

Vitamin B1 is slows down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. It plays an important role in the production of red blood cells, which in turn keeps people healthy, active, and energized. Vitamin B1 can fend off the deficiencies caused by cirrhosis, infections, hyperthyroidism, and the other effects of alcoholism. This vitamin can also significantly mental alertness.

Sesame seeds control morbid obesity.

Lecithin found in sesame is beneficial for the brain and also for the optic nerves.

Sesamol, a compound found in sesame seeds protects the DNA from radiation damage.

Sesame seeds are rich in fiber, which is known to pave way for a healthy digestive system, a healthy colon, and to prevent constipation.

Magnesium in sesame seeds prevent asthma by and other respiratory disorders by preventing airway spasms.

Copper in sesame seeds reduce pain and swelling associated with arthritis.  Additionally, this mineral helps provide strength to blood vessels, bones, and joints.

Sesame seeds are good for-

Reducing stress

Promoting bone health

Strengthening  hair

Lowering blood pressure and reduces artery plaque

Preventing cancer

Preventing premature ageing

Preventing insomnia in babies where oil is used for massage

Iron deficiency anemia

Promoting healthy skin

Helps prevent headaches and migraines

Preventing diabetes

Lowering bad cholesterol LDL and raising good cholesterol HDL in the blood (highest amount of phytosterols)

Boosting oral health: preventing cavities, removing dental plaque

Detoxifying the body


Reduces PMS symptoms  during the luteal phase (the second half) of the menstrual cycle

Reduces depression and anxiety

Intestinal parasites

Lactation disorders

Severity of hangovers after an alcohol session.

It has lot of iron which is recommended for people who have anemia or weakness, black sesame contains more iron than white sesame.  It contains amino acids, essential for the proper functioning of the central nervous system.  

Sesame oil is NOT prone to rancidity. It is stable with long shelf life.   Sesame seed oil is rich in Omega 6 fatty acids

The sesame seeds have folic acid, which is good for pregnant mothers. Folic acid is essential in the proper DNA synthesis in growing foetuses .

It help prevent the bone loss that can occur as a result of rheumatoid arthritis.

Sesame is beneficial for the teeth and strengthens them.  Take a teaspoon of sesame and chew it slowly.

Sesame oil removed  dandruff.  Massage the scalp with sesame oil for 30 minutes and cover the head with a hot towel (soaked in hot water and squeezed).  Repeat this for five minutes.  Dandruff is removed within few days.

In Kerala we have “Ellunda” with evening tea.  It is good for children who wet their beds frequently.

Ingredients needed to prepare Ellunda

1/2 kilo Sesame Seeds / Ellu

200 grams Jaggery

1 tsp cardamom seeds powdered

2 tbsps water

How to prepare Sesame / Ellu  for the Ellunda

Take a thick bottomed fry pan.

Add cleaned sesame seeds and roast them till they start to burst. Remove and keep aside.

How to prepare  Jaggery syrup?

Take a sauce pan, add pieces of jaggery with 2 tbsps of water.

Stir till the jaggery melts and starts boiling.

Once it forms a syrup remove from fire.

The consistency of the syrup should be a soft ball one, that is while the jaggery is boiling, put in a drop or two in a glass of water.

The melted jaggery should shape like a ball when you shape it with your fingers.

This soft ball consistency will be the right one for preparing the sesame balls / Ellunda.

How to prepare Ellunda?

Mix in the Sesame seeds to the boiling jaggery.

Remove the sesame seeds and  jaggery from the flame and let cool.

When it is cool enough to shape it into balls, apply a little ghee on to your palms and then shape them in to round balls.

Add sesame oil and turmeric powder in milk and heat it slightly, apply this paste on the face everyday regularly. This makes the skin smooth and soft and also removes pimples.

In case of arthritis, add ginger juice in sesame oil and boil till ginger juice burns out completely. Sieve the remaining oil and store it in a bottle. Massage the painful area with this oil.

In case of psoriasis and boils on scalp take sesame oil and add neem leaves juice, cook it on low flame.  When the rasa burns out and the oil remains, sieve it and store it.  Apply this oil where you are affected.

Store the dew drops found on the white sesame flowers. Pour two to three drops of these drops in the eye. This cures eye inflammation and itching .

The incredible list of diseases that Christopher Columbus brought to America!!!

The history of America would be different without the viruses that Columbus and his crew brought to the continent and that caused the greatest genocide in human history.

That invisible army that devastated Tenochtitlán was none other than smallpox, a disease known in Europe, but strange to the indigenous people. All his efforts in the fight against that evil were in vain, since his body lacked the necessary defenses to fight it. The natives were thus easy prey for the conquerors.

The nightmare of the inhabitants of the New World had started with the arrival of the first explorers, carriers not only of smallpox, but also of other germs . By coming into contact with them, they had become infected and then spread the disease among their own. A story that was repeated throughout the continent.

In a few decades, the unusual germs almost eradicated entire populations, relentlessly hit by waves of smallpox, influenza, measles and typhus epidemics . 

The invading troops found their way clear.

The conquerors did not take long to realize the correlation between these diseases and the enormous mortality among the Amerindian population, so they decided to play this card in their favor. Chronicles of the time relate that Francisco Pizarro sent slaves and soldiers ahead of his men carrying spears with cloth impregnated with secretions from smallpox patients.

They also say that, when setting up camp, the invaders abandoned clothing from smallpox patients or gave them to the indigenous people. The technique of spreading diseases among the population assured them victory.

Drastic changes

The consequences of the pandemics reinforced the old Christian conviction that it was divine design to expand and control the New World. The Indians thought the same thing. Seeing that the newcomers did not get sick, they took their illness as a punishment from the god of the invaders, whom they believed they had angered with their profane idolatries.

Their belief system was shattered: the Aboriginal people lost faith in their gods , unable to protect them from invisible warriors.

The exact population prior to the discovery of America is unknown, and estimates range wildly between 13.5 and 90 million . Be that as it may, at the end of the 19th century there were barely half a million natives left .

Viruses such as influenza, measles and smallpox were lethal and caused what, according to many historians, is the largest genocide in human history.


The brutal mortality of the Amerindians surprised Europeans. Children and adults were subject to diseases that in the West only accounted for between 10 and 15% of deaths. Why did Americans lack immunity to imported germs? For decades, scientists, anthropologists and historians searched for the reasons for this helplessness. Finally they agreed to point out the absence of domestic animals as the main cause.

In what is now Europe, wild animals were domesticated. The pigs, cows, chickens, sheep and horses they lived with soon transmitted diseases to them. We know, for example, that smallpox, measles, and diphtheria originate in cattle, while the flu comes from pigs and chickens.

William McNeil, historian and professor emeritus at the University of Chicago, explains that those extremely powerful viruses attacked totally defenseless young people and adults alike and eliminated the weakest.

Those who managed to survive developed resistance to the viruses. Little by little, diseases that had previously been lethal became typical of childhood; although, on occasions, pandemics of brutal magnitude occurred, such as the Black Death in the 14th century.

By contrast, in the New World, where few native diseases (such as trichinosis and syphilis ) posed a threat to Europeans, there were hardly any domesticated animals. To find an explanation for this we have to go back to some point in the Ice Age, when the population process of America took place.

The northern hemisphere was covered with glaciers up to three kilometers thick. These immense masses of ice acted as a barrier against the diseases of the Old Continent, since they prevented the life of germs and their carriers, mosquitoes and worms among others.

Passing through the Beringia region, those settlers encountered enormous animals, such as mammoths, lions, and giant bears , most of which were not domesticable.

Furthermore, due to the climate changes of the Pleistocene, 80% of the mammals of America disappeared. The fauna of the New World was impoverished until it was reduced to bison, deer, mountain goats and antelope, animals that were not potentially domestic.

The combination of these factors left Americans without animals with which to share new pathogens. Only in South America, where camelids (llamas, alpacas, vicuñas and guanacos) were raised, was there a potential source of disease.

But these mammals and their caretakers lived in the Andes , in small, dispersed groups. They were very few and isolated, so they could hardly infect each other.

Slow recovery

After Columbus arrived in America in 1492, it took nearly five centuries of repeated exposure to epidemics until, thanks to the advancement of modern medicine, the indigenous American populations began to recover.

But it was not only the imported diseases that were the cause of that genocide in the first place. The arrival of Europeans also introduced dramatic changes in the lifestyle of those societies. This is the case of tuberculosis, associated with malnutrition, war, poverty and tobacco and alcohol abuse.

If those viruses, deadlier than any sword, had not allied themselves with the Europeans; if the indigenous people had had their own diseases to infect the colonizers; if those Indians had not succumbed en masse to the diseases of the Old Continent; if the American fauna had not become extinct at the end of the Pleistocene; or if those first Eurasians had never left Asia, the history of America and the world would be different.

Virus landing

In any case, the reality is that death arrived by ship to America at the hands of the first explorers, who carried with them viruses such as flu, smallpox and measles.

The flu

In 1493, Christopher Columbus’s second expedition to America, made up of about 15,000 men and domestic animals, landed in La Isabela (the first city founded in the New World), on the island of Santo Domingo, on December 8, 1493.

The crew members fell ill, with high fevers and pain. Soon they infected the indigenous people, who dropped like flies. Their immune system was not prepared to defend against an outbreak of flu, swine or bird flu, according to experts. The disease spread rapidly throughout the Antilles as the animals dispersed throughout the territory.


The Portuguese ship Hispaniola docked in 1518 at the port of Santo Domingo loaded with slaves purchased by the Spanish Crown. They came from Africa and were sick with smallpox . Upon contact with the ship’s crew, the Dominicans became infected and died. The smallpox epidemic soon spread to Puerto Rico, Cuba and the rest of the Antilles , where the Indians who had managed to survive the flu fell one by one.

In 1520, smallpox passed to Mexico thanks to a relief expedition led by Pánfilo Narváez. That same year he moved to Guatemala and from there it spread throughout Central America until it affected the Inca Empire between 1524 and 1526.

The measles

It reached the continent with the help of the Spanish in 1530, a year before they became ill on the Caribbean islands. It is estimated that in Cuba it caused the death of two thirds of the indigenous people. 

The pandemic that occurred in the territory between Mexico and Peru mainly affected children, but did not cause as much mortality as smallpox.

 Measles was followed by chickenpox, typhus and countless other pathogens.

The diseases that the jew Christopher Columbus and the Spanish imported to all of America

The natives of our continent had no way of coping with something completely unknown to them.

The issue of pandemics is not exclusive to the modern world; In fact, in different centuries, the population of different parts of the world have had to fight against unknown diseases, which at the time claimed the lives of thousands of defenseless people who were completely unaware of the existence of certain viruses.

According to historians, America underwent a radical change following its discovery by Christopher Columbus in 1492 and later, with the arrival of European colonizers, particularly the Spanish, who not only brought with them their ideology, but also viruses, bacteria. and germs that caused diseases that the natives, at first, could not cope with until several years later when their immune system was strengthened against them.

For decades, why this happened on our continent has been studied. Everything indicates that, apparently, the theme of animals played a predominant role, since in Europe it was customary to domesticate wild animals, something that the American Indians did not. Pigs, cows, chickens, sheep and horses became the main focus of different diseases.

Next, we list the diseases exported by Europeans to our continent around the 15th century; some of them were completely eradicated while others are still in force.

Diseases imported by the Spanish to the American continent

1) Smallpox

It is recorded that this disease arrived for the first time in Mexico in 1520, on an expedition carried out by Pánfilo de Narváez. This disease is highly contagious and causes hives, itching, headache, general malaise, vomiting, fatigue and fever.

2) Measles

Disease that is transmitted through droplets of fluids from the nose, mouth and throat. Its symptoms are hives all over the body, fever, cough and runny nose.

3) Poliomelitis

It mainly affects the spinal cord and nerves in the legs.

4) Bubonic plague

It is caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis. The lymph nodes become swollen and can be fatal if not treated well and in time.

5) Typhus

It is caused by 2 bacteria and causes abdominal and back pain; in addition to dry cough, nausea, vomiting, fever and low blood pressure.

6) Scarlet fever

It is characterized by a bright red rash that affects most of the body. Scarlet fever is almost always accompanied by a sore throat and high fever. This disease is more common in children between 5 and 15 years old.

7) Diphtheria

It is an acute infection caused by the bacteria called Corynebacterium diphtheriae, which commonly infects the nose and throat. Throat infection produces a gray to black, hard, fibrous pseudomembrane or covering that can obstruct the airways. In some cases, diphtheria first infects the skin and causes skin lesions.

8) Chickenpox

It is an infection caused by the varicella zoster virus. Most cases occur in children under 15 years of age, but it can also be seen in older children and adults. The most typical symptom of this disease is a skin rash that turns into blisters that then form scabs. Generally, it appears on the face, chest, back and then spreads to the rest of the body.

9) Influenza

Also known as the flu, it is a contagious respiratory disease . This virus can cause mild or severe illness and can sometimes lead to death.

10) Yellow fever

Turkey-Syria Earthquake: Is This An Act of Terror?

This important article by Peter Koenig was first published on February 9, 2023, in the immediate wake of the earthquake. It was updated on February 22, 2023, following the testimony of Serdar Hussein and on September 16, 2023 in relation to  recent extreme climatic events including the earthquake in Morocco, the floods in Libya, the wildfires in Hawaii.  

Author’s Introductory Note

While there is no absolute proof that the 6 February 2023 (7.8 Richter) earthquake was manmade, caused by ENMOD / HAARP technologies (Environmental Modification / High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program), more than circumstantial evidence is growing that we are living in a geoengineering war – where weather and climate are manipulated by highly sophisticated technologies – which are also able to create earthquakes – and are presented as “climate change”. 

The recent – 8 September 2023 – seism (6.8) – in Morocco has characteristics similar to the ones of the February 2023 Turkey quake.

In addition, for those who are still believing the CO2-manmade “climate change” narrative, please consider the extreme weather conditions, the historic September monster-floods killing thousands of people in Libya, a country destroyed in 2011 by France, US, and NATO – which also lynched their leader, Muammar Gaddafi, who wanted to free Africa from the French, UK, and US predators, with a common African currency, the Gold Dinar.

Also look at extreme heatwaves in China in July 2023, followed by extreme flooding, never recorded in known history, as well as the simultaneous hurricanes hitting the southern Chinese East Coast. 

The destruction of Lahaina, the capital of Maui, Hawaii, also the seat of the Hawaiian Kingdom, through Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), capable of generating electromagnetic blueish laser-type beams with temperatures of up to 6000 degrees C, literally blowing up buildings, melting cars, but leaving trees intact, killing possibly thousands of people. All make-believe “climate change”.

We, the People, must open our eyes to these realities and the lies from the small but powerful financial-digital-military elite dominating the mainstream with daily misinformation.

Peter Koenig, September 16, 2023

Update. The Testimony of Serdar Hussein, the Head of the Turkish Space Agency

Waking-up is a conscientious trigger that must occur in the soul of each one of us to safe humanity and our civilization.

The conclusion of “No Evidence So Far” in the title referred to the strong suspicion that this horrendous quake was the result of an ENMOD engineered disaster. (Environmental Modification Techniques). Up to this day it killed more than 48,000 people, injured more than half a million, and still tens of thousands are missing.

Will there ever be justice?

Will the presumed perpetrators be brought to trial?  

The “no evidence” statement is wearing thinner and thinner, especially, when listening to Serdar Hussein, the Head of the Turkish Space Agency talking on Russian TV.

He uses hyperbolic emblematic speech, when talking about the hard titanium alloy material being launched to the Earth. It refers to using the titanium alloy rods to send these deadly, super-power beams of energy to earth, deep into the ground to cause the earthquake:  

Transcript (Translation)

The head of the Turkish Space Agency, Serdar Hussein Yildirim, on weapons capable of causing earthquakes:

You know those power poles on the streets. They are similar to these pillars, about 8-10 meters high. Metal rods.

There is nothing inside the rod, no explosives, nothing, but it’s a metal rod made of a hard titanium alloy material.

They put them in a satellite. A certain amount of. And then they aim and launch them to Earth. It’s like a stick with a sharp point. For example, God forbid, it falls somewhere, we will not name the disaster scenario now, but as soon as it falls to the ground, it penetrates up to 5 km deep into the earth. 

This happens very quickly and creates an earthquake of magnitude 7-8.

As a result of the impact, everything that is there will be destroyed. Look, there are no weapons here, no explosives, no bombs, nothing like that. Simple sticks [rods]. But there is such a force that comes from outer space, and you have no chance to see it, stop it, or defend yourself.”  

According to Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan “More than 13 million people have been affected by the devastating earthquake in Turkey.” (quoted by Tass, February 7, 2023)

“The earthquake has caused colossal damage. It was the biggest-ever calamity not only in our country’s history but in the history of the entire world,” Erdogan was quoted telling local television channels.

“We are living through the most painful days in our history. Two powerful earthquakes, with the epicenters in Pazarcik and Elbistan in Kahramanmaras, [close to the city of Gaziantep] have caused large-scale damage in ten provinces. Around 13.5 million [out of 85 million Turkish population] of our citizens have been affected on these territories,” he said.

Early Monday morning at around 4 AM on February 6, 2023, a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake rocked southeast Turkey and Syria. According to the US Geological Survey, the earthquake’s epicenter hit an area about 30 km from Gaziantep (2.1 million population), a major city and provincial capital 100 km from the Syrian border. The quake was centered about 18 km deep.

It was followed by a strong 6.7 magnitude aftershock about 10 minutes later. Read more here. See also NY Post drone video below of some of the devastated areas.

The death toll from the earthquake so far exceeds 5,400, and some 32,000 people were injured. This is only after day two, when most of the destruction and rubble has not yet been searched for survivors or bodies.

The earthquake also hit northern Syria, leaving so far at least 1,200 deaths and thousands of injured. (See 2 google maps to the left).

By comparison, the 1960 Chile earthquake hitting the Santiago area was one of the most devastating tremors in recent history, killing some 1,700 people, plus the ensuing tsunami with a death toll of between 2000 and 2,500, and tens of thousands of injured.

A Gigantic Act of Terror?

If President Erdogan is right, that this is one of the world’s largest calamities ever – and it looks very much like he is right – wars notwithstanding, is this an act of terror?

What has Turkey done to elicit such a devastating reaction – by whom?

The US of A? NATO, which as far as command goes is also Washington and the Pentagon?

A few recent initiatives by Turkey – a key member and heavy-weight of NATO for her strategic geographic location between east and west – may have provoked the wrath of her NATO allies.

Not necessarily in order of priority:

1. Turkey has entered an alliance with Russia – which for a NATO-member is like “sleeping with the enemy”. (Michel Chossudovsky) See this and this. Such a partnership with a NATO enemy is indeed an absolute no-go for the west.

2. Under this alliance, Turkey has decided to buy theRussian S-400 Air Defense system, instead of the US Patriot system, as it would behoove for a NATO member, especially one as crucial as is Turkey. Patriot (standing for Phased Array Tracking Radar for Intercept on Target) is a surface-to-air missile and anti-ballistic system. It is NATO’s air defense system. Instead, Turkey’s decision for the more sophisticated, more precise and effective Russian S-400 is a strong backbone for her alliance with Russia.

3. President Erdogan brokered in 2017 a US$ 2.5 billion deal with President Putin for the S-400. First deliveries of the S-400 missile batteries arrived in 2019.

4. The S-400 system is said to pose a risk to the NATO alliance as well as the F-35, America’s most expensive weapons platform. Turkey was severely sanctioned at the time by President Trump, notably by a foreign-manipulated currency devaluation of the Turkish Lira – which had a devastating impact on Turkey’s economy. It is unusual, almost unheard of, for Washington to “punish” a NATO member for misbehavior. 

5. US warship USS Nitze barred from entering the Black Sea through the Turkish controlled Bosporus. According to USNI News, the US warship USS Nitze, a US destroyer, was spotted in early February 2023, operating near the Black Sea. It is said to be the closest a US warship has come to Russia since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine began.

6. On February 3rd, the Nitze was seen at the lower edge of the Bosphorus Strait, en route to a port call in Turkey. 

The last US warship to pass through the strait was the USS Arleigh Burke (DDG-51), which left the Black Sea on December 15, 2021. See Google map below, followed by video on the USS Nitze

7. In February 2022, Turkey closed the Bosphorus passage from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea for all vessels which do not have a national port within the Black Sea. This means, US war ships are not allowed to cross from the Med-Sea through the Bosporus into the Black Sea, from where Russia may be vulnerable for cruise missiles form US destroyers, for example the USS Nitze. In the meantime, Nitze has scheduled a port call at Gölcük Naval Base, in the Sea of Marmara (see Google map above).

8. Turkey, a key NATO country, between East and West, with the crucial Bosphorus as the dividing line, is closing a critical strategic passage to her NATO ally – NATO commander – protecting Russia, the US enemy – may not be seen with joy by Washington.

9. Turkish – Syrian rapprochement, is certainly not what Washington wants. It is the latest development in regional surprises, as reported by Arab Center Washington DC – see this.

10. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s interest in a rapprochement with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is the latest chapter in his delicate domestic and regional balancing act, and it has his friends and enemies alike, especially the US, scrambling for how this development might impact them. The rapprochement, if it succeeds, would further complicate the domestic and regional dynamics in northern Syria without securing any clear advantage for Erdogan beyond, perhaps, in the upcoming Turkish elections.

11. Remember the Russian Involvement in Syria – when the US was chased out of Syria? At the request of President Bashar al-Assad – Russian military, mostly air force interference from September 2015 until the end of 2017, was largely responsible for Washington’s significant withdrawal, albeit not complete, from Syria. In 2017, when “mission accomplished”, Russian combat troops were withdrawn, but Russia keeps a nominal military police presence in Northern Syria.

12. Turkey’s Bombshell – a few days ago, rejecting Sweden as NATO member, may have been the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. For a new country to become a NATO member, ALL NATO nations must approve the new candidate.

13. Sweden says they cannot meet some of the Turkish conditions. Among them are Turkey’s accusations that Sweden is supporting members of the Kurdish Working Party – the PKK, archenemies of Erdogan’s.

14. According to a Turkish Crisis Group, some 30,000 to 40,000 people are estimated to have died in fighting between the PKK and Turkish government, since 1984.

15. Maybe there were also some Russian interests at stake in Turkey’s rejection of Sweden as a NATO member. Although peace has prevailed between Sweden and Russia, since 1809, the two countries never achieved a close relationship, unlike the situation with other neighbors. This is particularly the case with the current Swedish Government.

Turkish General Elections on 14 May 2023.

If the timing of the earthquake was part of a plan, it would fit perfectly into the coming General Elections on 14 May 2023. President Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AK Party), are currently not doing well in popularity polls.

Depending on his dealing with the consequences of the earthquake, he and his Party may gain or lose in approval ratings. Usually, „natural“ disasters do not bode well for the governments in place, regardless of whether they bear any responsibility.

In any case, new elections bring new “opportunities”. In the meantime, it is clear to most analysts, that no elections are truly “democratic” – that there is literally no election in the world in which the decisive vote – the decisive influence – is not exerted by the Anglosaxon western empire.

Replacing Erdogan with a US stooge, might bring Turkey back as the desired all obedient NATO country, no alliance with Russia, no more “sleeping with the enemy”.

Is it a coincidence that just a few days after Turkey rejected Sweden’s candidacy for NATO membership, a massive, deadly and all-destructive earthquake hits Turkey, with serious  ramification for Syria, and even impacting on Cyprus and Lebanon.

Was The Earthquake the Consequence of A Terror Attack? No Evidence

Artificial earthquakes have been prompted before. For example, the 12 January 2010 earthquake off Port-au-Prince, capital city of Haiti, is suspected having been prompted by underwater / underground explosions, in order to bring huge oil reserves lodged largely around the shores of the Caribbean Sea, closer to the surface to be easier accessible and exploitable. William Engdahl’s “Strategic denial of oil in Haiti?” points clearly in this direction.

F. William Engdahl says Geo-physics suggest there could be massive oil and mineral deposits in and off-shore Haiti. See this 9-min video from 30 January 2010.

The US Air Force’s Weather Warfare 

Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report,  offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”:

‘Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.”

Study Commissioned by the US Air Force: Weather as a Force Multiplier, Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996 

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)

The US Air Force’s “Weather Warfare” is related to The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) which was developed in the early 1990s.

A scientific report (HAL Id: hal-01082992) regarding HAARP (2011, 2014) explains that high-power ELF radiation generated by modulated HF heating of the ionosphere could cause Earthquakes, Cyclones and localized heating. The paper by Fran De Aquino Maranhao summarized the scientific findings as follows:

“HAARP is currently [2014], [the project was closed in Gakona, Alaska and transferred in 2014] the most important facility used to generate extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic radiation in the ionosphere. In order to produce this ELF radiation, the HAARP transmitter radiates a strong beam of high frequency (HF) waves modulated at ELF.

This HF heating modulates the electrons’ temperature in the D region ionosphere and leads to modulated conductivity and a time-varying current which then radiates at the modulation frequency. Recently, the HAARP HF transmitter operated with 3.6GW of effective radiated power modulated at frequency of 2.5Hz. It is shown that high-power ELF radiation generated by HF ionospheric heaters, such as the current HAARP heater, can cause Earthquakes, Cyclones and strong localized heating.”

The patents used to develop the HAARP program are owned by Raytheon through its E-Systems subsidiary.

It should be noted that with the closing down of  The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) program in Gakona, Alaska in 2014 for another location, the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been actively involved in ENMOD research, most of which is classified. See this

At the time of writing, there is suspicion, but no concrete evidence that the Turkey-Syria Earthquake was an Act of Terror, triggered by Environmental Modification Techniques.

The above statements remain to be fully ascertained.  



They are the seven igigis or reptilian Anunnaki advisors with a giant non-Aryan reptilian aspect. The seven planets are the Pleiades. A UFO and two anunnki symbols are seen, the shamash or black sun and the Asur, symbol of Anu. 

The Owl is from the cult of Ishtar. These are the true creators of the Vaticanu, according to one of the books I saw where similar images appeared on clay tablets and ancient manuscripts. 

The igigi creator of the Vaticanu is Oannes, the amphibian man, hence the fish-mouth cap worn so beautifully and proudly by the G-Suit Holy Father. I saw manuscripts, statues, holograms, and various images of Oannes clearly reptilian in appearance.

In the yellow Library the igigis appeared as the Masters of the Vaticanu.


The Treaty of Conquest of 1213 grants the Vatican ownership of the kingdom of England, although it can also be interpreted that the Queen of England is the owner of the Vaticanu…, the truth is that both institutions are the same, apart from the Fucking Masters of the World. 

That is why the British Corporation that Rules the world belongs to the Vatican. In 1139 the Pope created a bull to exonerate the Jews from all kinds of jurisprudence.

The G-suit Bank of Rome opened its first branch in England in 1694. Nobody knows this if Steagnus doesn’t tell you. They don’t teach you this at the University, that den of misinformation and whoring.

In 1820 the Rothschilds fucked up the City of London as the world financial and criminal center of the world. The original Reuters headquarters are also in the City… there’s a commemorative statue not far from one of my workplaces that I look up to every time I pass by. Nothing is hidden from the eye of Steagnus anymore. All the story that culture and media tells you is FALSE. Steagnus is Back and infiltrates the Matrix Center to tell you about it. In reality PROVIDENCE INFILTRATES ME.


In the yellow Library the igigis appeared as the Masters of the Vaticanu.


The Treaty of Conquest of 1213 grants the Vatican ownership of the kingdom of England, although it can also be interpreted that the Queen of England is the owner of the Vaticanu…, the truth is that both institutions are the same, apart from the Fucking Masters of the World. That is why the British Corporation that Rules the world belongs to the Vatican. In 1139 the Pope created a bull to exonerate the Jews from all kinds of jurisprudence. The G-suit Bank of Rome opened its first branch in England in 1694. Nobody knows this if Steagnus doesn’t tell you. They don’t teach you this at the University, that den of misinformation and whoring.

In 1820 the Rothschilds fucked up the City of London as the world financial and criminal center of the world. 

The original Reuters headquarters are also in the City… there’s a commemorative statue not far from one of my workplaces that I look up to every time I pass by. Nothing is hidden from the eye of Steagnus anymore. 

All the story that culture and media tells you is FALSE. Steagnus is Back and infiltrates the Matrix Center to tell you about it. In reality PROVIDENCE INFILTRATES ME.


Professor Genrikh Mavrikiyevich Ludvig saw something that coincides with our findings: he found a lot of alien evidence in the Vatican’s secret library. Vladimir Kucharyants, his disciple, spread all this information. 

He left some alien images written in drawings and cutouts. I saw the alien skulls: some with horns, others gray, others reptilians, others xenomorphs or lobster men, and others the famous homo capensis, or horny heads that correspond to Anunnaki and Pleiadians. It disappeared from the map.

There are entire rooms with remains of all kinds of aliens collected from all over the world by the Smithonian, but that’s not open to the public, you have to go in and go through the Rossa Library and then go down some catacombs.

The Apostolic Library of the Vatican is the most famous in the world and has 1,600,000 ancient and modern books, of which 8,300 are called incunabula…

 (this means that they were printed before 1501), more than 150,000 manuscripts and archival documents without count 100,000 printed documents and fragments, 300,000 coins and medals, and 20,000 art objects.

 There are also clay tablets and telepathic books and holograms, but I’m telling you this.

What Luis Carlos Campos saw in the Vatican Library can change the history of the Earth. The whole story is hidden without missing a comma. 

The evidence of giants, reptilians, aliens, the images of real Jesus andof UFOs found in so many ancient books and in unofficial archaeology…. they are simply confirmed.

The alien Jesus is none other than Alexander the Great, the Bere God, who came from heaven in Ships with the Three Marys. The secret books of paios and beres of the library of Alexandria, which is kept by the Vatican.

The Apostolic Library of the Vatican is the most famous in the world and has 1,600,000 ancient and modern books, of which 8,300 are called incunabula (this means that they were printed before 1501), more than 150,000 manuscripts and archival documents without count 100,000 printed documents and fragments, 300,000 coins and medals, and 20,000 art objects. There are also clay tablets and telepathic books and holograms, but I’m telling you this.

But the best is the Vatican Secret Archive, which was separated from the library at the beginning of the 17th century with more than 150,000 volumes.

There are 85 kilometers of secret books…! In Three Large Color Libraries full of passageways, catacombs and an incredible security system created by specialists from Mi6 and Mossad. Then there are three less important ones, also with colors.

The Library founded in 1448, but officially by Pope Sixtus IV in 1475….what is not known is that it tells and hides all the hidden knowledge of the Earth.

 The Hidden History… and when we talk about hidden history we talk about our extraterrestrial past and the true story of Jesus, everything is written in the most secret Library in the world, where for the first time in history the journalist Luis Carlos Campos manages to infiltrate to uncover to the world the most unsuspected books, tablets, manuscripts, and papyri in the world…some with covers with scales…

but they are not exactly crocodile, but….



I already saw… some books that Doc Horlock was studying and repairing Doc Horlock’s Astharville mansion in Holcomb, Kansas, next to one of the most famous secret NSA bases in the Sunken States. Thanks to Horlock and my contacts with a late cardinal and other EVER PROVIDENTIAL contacts I was able to see the greatest secrets ever imagined. He had previously shown me photos, videos and holograms in his mansion, and then I saw them with my own eyes in the most remote passageways of the Vatican.

There are official areas where some researchers are exceptionally allowed to enter, but the most secret books are in catacombs not far from where they carry out the rituals denounced by the murdered G-suits, Father Luna and Father Alberto Rivera. Priests, nuns, seculars, and the majority of Catholics are completely in Babia of what happens in the Vatican, they do not know anything and they tell them the Tale of Little Red Hood and cloying encyclicals of a Holy Father who supports the war in Syria or the scam of the Calentón Güeval and that never criticizes anything of the Masters of ISIS RA EL. 

Instead he hugs them, wears his kippah hat and prays at the wailing wall. Not a word of defense to the Palestinian refugees, to those from Syria, yes, to the Palestinians, no.

It’s impossible to get in, but nothing is impossible for Steagnus and Doc Horlock , as I’ve already demonstrated by meditating and napping in the Bank of England or discovering the secrets of Dulce Base .

Officially, not even the cardinals can enter, but if you have a lot of influence there are always options. 

Only four people have or had access to the Library and the Secretum Tremendum: Raffaele Farina (the official archivist), Jorge Maria Mejia and Luigi Poggi (Archivist emeritus) and Sergio Pagano (prefect of the secret archives). Some of these could have been substituted.

The truth is that cleaning staff, the head and trusted positions of the Swiss Guard, secret agents of the Mossad-CIA-MI6, that is, of the Vatican agencies and high-ranking Illuminati and families, also have limited access. A high Illuminati has more power than the Holy Father, who is a mere stickman.

We’re not going to say how we got in, we’re not that idiots. The information corresponds to several visits from various sources and my own information.


Of course, the election of the Pope is a tongo and everything is prepared in advance. The Council of Thirteen decides the Popes, usually between the Freemason and G-Suit factions. Benedicto was -is- from the Masonic faction. At The Vatican Base he holds some of the key meetings where the designs of the Human Farm are decided.

Beneadicto’s well-behaved was taken away for various reasons…. there are always fights and envy between freemasons and g-suits, he didn’t fit in with the “demon” face that he can’t hide… and because some Dutch families allegedly accused him of participating in rituals and doing very serious things, according to the alleged victims. No Mass Shit echoes. With Papa Paco, the scam is perfect with a guy who looks like the neighbor of the Quinto, he’s a San Lorenzo fan, he says he’ll beat anyone who messes with his mommy and is capable of deceiving and acting better than the Mi6 agent and actor Hitler Rothchilds and better than Javier Bardem.Honestly, there isn’t much difference between a Simpsons sketch and a Pope’s Encyclical, just maybe The Simpsons are more realistic and honest. It’s all more false and canned than a Camelo Sexto speech .

There is no one more hypocritical than the Vaticanus who trap them in thousands of cases of abuse, they have Freemason lodges like the P-2, BANKS, catambas full of skeletons who do not know where they come from, unsolved murders (Manuela Orlandi ol as denunciations of Cathy O’brien and Cisco Wheeler, who are also fervent Christians now …..) the Inquisition and Billions of historical crimes and on top of that go around giving advice. 

It’s like a joke. The the majority of Catholics have who swallow this is from Father and My Lord, never better said. 

What credibility can an uncle have who is from an organization that created the sadistic Inquisition or the militia of the G-suits who were going to make wars or the Templars themselves, the CIA agents of the time? Ja, ja, they laugh at the borregomatrix to his fucking face. 

They piss on him and on top of that they think they are being blessed. They have shit, arms companies, banks, multinationals. According to Padre Luna, even BBVA or L’oreal are his… and Disney, the Jewel in the Crown.

Don’t try to say this to a Catholic, they won’t make you a bitch and they will insult you, call you crazy and look the other way. It is useless to inform them. The awake ones are four disorganized cats.


They laugh at you. Look how the Holy Father is always featured in the illuminati magazine Timo , throwing balls at full speed, they put you as character of the year, along with pathetic mkultras like Miles de Cirrhosis or Justina Monigote Coño Biever . That is to say, the Holy Father is a marketing product more like these two scarecrows, with the brand of “good”, “vicar of God” and Holy Peacemaker (who supports the intervention in Syria). The Pope is a brand to put balls into the undocumented, lost, clueless and programmed borregomátrix. It is something so obvious that it is useless to tell him. How does a Pope have banks or promote a war or Hitler at the time… and he has banks with freemasons who appear hanging like Calvi? Well, nothing, the Catholic borregomatrix will never give you a choice. They are fanatics to the core and it doesn’t matter what you tell them or the evidence you show them… They will pray and believe that there is heaven and hell.

They get rid of the sheeple mátrix… Timo, BBVA, Santander, the most important multinationals are theirs…. They laugh, especially when Bergoglio erupts the nonsense of the danger of global warming in a frozen world and after the climategate lockdown .

In reality, it’s taking us for fools, man, that some go to the internet and know that you falsified the temperature figures… or that half the world is freezing and that C02 has decreased (Beck, 2007). 

It is true that the sheeple matrix are a bit short-sighted, but not all of us are such idiots. 

 Remember the maxim of the g-suits that the end justifies the means and so they can do whatever they want. 

Go to Amazon and you will see millions of books on the crimes of the Vatican not to mention the Vatican Assassins and web of the same name by John Eric Phelps .

In fact, the illuminatis laugh at you and they put a beggar with a sign Francis will be Pope in St. Peter’s Square walking around before the election…. They laugh at you every day putting their symbols in front of your fucking face or with G-suit misinformers like Alex Oso Jones or Estxulin.

 A mystery as a beggar geek knew that. But they like these games… and laugh at the sheeple matrix… which they literally lead to the slaughterhouse… You would be amazed if you knew who is behind the famous mkultra video clips… The Council of 13 dictates to the producers and the Advisor Maximum of the Vatican too.

The mkultra video clips… who do you think designs them… and inserts those satanic symbols…? The mkultra Cathy ´brien revealed in Trance Formation of America that when 11Bush Sr. and Clintonto took her and her naked daughter human safaris on Mount Shasta and in other cases used mkultra control g-suita mudra gestures… She was raised in Catholic schools. 

Me too, in the Salesians. They always pray to a dualistic God that you arrive at when you die, but for SAYING THAT YOU ARE GOD OR MERGE WITH THEM they can lynch you. Mystics and stigmatists do not exist in the pompous discourses of the Church. Or how they were persecuted: Saint John of the Cross wrote Spiritual Canticle in jail….., the poor man.


His NWO plan is to put the chip in the sheeple matrix to have them completely controlled as zombies. All the political agenda, wars, movies, music, sports, videogames, mass shit, and spy agency plans work for the New World Order…

However, at the last moment, Nature and God will prevent the satanic plan from succeeding. . Above all, Nature, since God is so invisible and so “botch”, that he sometimes plays at not being seen… 

Some Notable Megaliths Around the World are Built at Earth Grid Points…

1) Giza, the Great Pyramid
(3) Tyumen oil field, USSR
(4) Lake Baikal, USSR, many unique plants and animals
(9) Hudson Bay, present location of north magnetic pole
(11) Northern British Isles, Maes Howe, Ring of Brodgar, Callanish
(12) Mohenjo Daro – Rama Empire culture
(13) Pyramids in Xian, China, the largest in the world
(14) Southern Japan Dragon’s Triangle, great seismic activity
(16) Hamakulta, nearby lies Hawaii, scene of high volcanic and earthquake activity
(17) The sophisticated canal civilization of Cibola
(18) Bimini, the site of huge man-made walls underwater, discovered in 1969, the date that Edgar Cayce had predicted that evidence of Atlantis would be discovered
(20) Algerian megalithic ruin
(21) Megaliths at Axum, the Coptic Christian center in Ethiopia
(25) Bangkok and Angkor Wat
(26) Sarawak, Borneo, site of ancient megalithic structures
(28) Pohnpei Island, Micronesia, site of the megalithic city of Nan Madol
(35) Lima, Peru, boundary of the Nazca Plate, Pisco, the Candlestick of the Andes & the Nazca Lines
(40) Gabon, West Africa, natural atomic reactor in operation about 1.7 million years ago
(41) Zimbabwe with its ancient mines & structures
(44) The Maralinga Atomic Test Site, which also has megalithic ruins
(47) Easter Island and its megaliths
(62) German underground Antarctic base?